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Most Muslims in British India moved to Pakistan after independence was granted. Pakistan then included modern day Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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Q: Did Muslims move to Pakistan after independence in British?
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Who separated India?

The separation of India into India and Pakistan occurred during India's independence from the British. Mahatma Gandhi, one of the primary supporters for peace between Hindus and Muslims, supported the divide, a move which eventually led to his assassination by a Hindu extremist. The part of India to retain its namesake contained a Hindu majority, while the portion that became Pakistan, and later Bangladesh, contained the majority of Muslims. Hindus and Muslims trapped on the wrong side of the border moved between the countries in trains following the partition.

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Pakistan did not exist as a nation during WWII. The territory that is now Pakistan was still a part of India, and all of India was a colony of Great Britain. India was granted its independence in 1947, after the war. At the same time Pakistan was created, as a homeland for the Muslim population of India. Most of the inhabitants of the area were Muslims, but any Hindus living in what became Pakistan were basically forced out, and made to move to India. Similarly, Muslims residing in parts of India which were not in the new Pakistan were likewise forced to move to the new Muslim nation of Pakistan. At that time, in 1947, and for many years after, there was East Pakistan and West Pakistan. West Pakistan is what is today Pakistan, and East Pakistan is now Bangladesh.

What was the first date Muslims living in the US declared independence?

This answerer is unaware of any attempt by Muslims to declare independence from the lawful government of the United States. It would probably not be a wise move, and it is most unlikely to occur.

Why was India partitioned into two countries?

The Muslims were afraid that as a minority in majority Hindu state, that they would not be able to adequately defend their rights as Muslims. These problems threatened war and rather than sow the seeds for such a conflict, the Muslims were allowed to break off and form their own country. Later that country (Pakistan) divided into two countries (Pakistan and Bangladesh) since there were many differences between Pakistanis and Bengalis in terms of culture and aspirations.

Are there more Indians or more Pakistanis in the UK?

Pakistanis are more in uk because Pakistan is a part of European and British commonwealth. Most Pakistanis in uk are very ghetto which influences many Pakistani immigrants to move in. Also Pakistan is a very cold country that's why they move into uk:)

Did Pakistan and crucifie Jesus?

Pakistan didn’t exist until the late 1940’s or early 50’s. It was created out of a portion of land in India by the British. Millions of people had to move and they died as well. It had nothing to do with Jesus.

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Independence of death

Why Pakistan faced refugee problem in 1947?

in the year imediatly before partion tere was wide spread violence between muslims and non muslims and whe the red cliff award were annouced the things became even worse. people migrated from both coutriesand settled in the other. over 10 million peoplehad move from india to pakistan without any ssuffient belonging. the goverment had not funds also. and so it was very difficult to seettle them fast

Why did British move to America in 1902?

Which british?

What is a subhah for Muslims?

subhah is prayer beads there is 90 beads and muslims can actually move there fingers and spell your name on the beads :)

When Osama bin Laden eas kicked out of Afghanistan where did he move to?

To Pakistan.

What were the causes and effects of the declaration of independence?

The cause of declaration of independece were that the colonist were fed up of being taxed and of the british not leting them move into their new land from their vitoiry of the french and indian war . so all the coloionies agreed to sign the declaration.