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Yes he died first, as he is mentioned in The Bible, before Abraham and Lot.

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Q: Did Noah die before Sadam and Gamorah was destroyed?
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Related questions

What Noah escaped?

Noah escaped the big flood, that destroyed the earth.

When God destroyed worlds or people before did he give them ample warning?

Yes, He had Noah warning people all over the place while he was constructing the ark.

What effect did the flood have on trees in Noah's Ark?

During the flood in the time of Noah , everything was washed out for good, all the trees were destroyed.

Was Noah considered Hebrew?

Noah is not considered a Hebrew. All of mankind following the flood is descended from Noah. Noah was 10 generations before Abraham who was the father of Judaism.

When the first apocalypse happen?

The first apocalypse happened in the Old Testament when GOD destroyed the world except for Noah, Noah's children, Noah's wife, and Noah's childrens' wives. When GOD flooded the Earth because of his creations' unspeakable actions.

Was Noah destroyed in the flood?

No, that is not the story. Supposedly Noah's Ark came to rest (they believe on the side of a mountain). The animal pairs disembarked and began families to repopulate the earth.

Where did the people come from if God destroyed the earth through flood and Noah and his family according to the bible were the only people left alive?

That would mean they all descended from Noah.

Did Noah kaiba survive?

Depends which version you watch. In the original, Noah accepts the fact that he's already dead, merging with his father's consciousness to prevent it from escaping the cyber world, before their minds are destroyed in the explosion. In the dub, the characters comment that they're sure Noah made a backup copy of himself, and that's about it. Noah is a non-canon filler character created just for the anime, which explains why he never appeared later on in the manga or follow-on anime series.

Was there rain before Noah's flood?

Of course there was.

Was the humans on noah's ark incestuous?

No, Noah's son were married before the flood and the offspring married cousins.

Which government lays claim to Noah's Ark?

No government can lay claim, in the legal sense, to Noah's Ark unless we know where it is. Whether because there never was a Noah's Ark or because it has long since been destroyed, no evidence of the Ark has ever been found.

Was Noah before Adam and Eve?

The historical position is that neither Noah nor Adam and Eve actually existed. The biblical position is that Noah was after Adam and Eve.