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Yes and no. There was some confusion about this, with various political charges thrown back and forth between the two parties, but the actual story seems to be quite non-political. The bust was on loan, during the Bush administration. When the administration was no longer in office, the agreement was that the bust be returned. But the Obama administration was able to get a copy of the bust, since there is widespread admiration in both parties for Churchill as a statesman. I enclose a link to the White House's explanation of what caused the confusion.

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Q: Did Obama return Churchill bust to England?
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Why did Obama return bust of Winston Churchill?

As the White House understood it, the bust was a loan from the British government, and was given to President Bush, to be returned after his term ended. The Obama administration does still have a different bust of Churchill, which can be seen in the White House.

Was Churchill bust in White House returned to British?

Yes it was. It was scheduled to be returned before Obama took office, but it fell to Obama to see that it was carried out. It was returned in Feb. 2009.

What is the story about the statue of Winston Churchill being given back to the UK by President Obama?

Apparently, the artwork was loaned to the US in the wake of the 9/11 attacks by the government of the UK. The loan was originally supposed to last for George W. Bush's first term, but when he was reelected, the loan was extended. It's actually a bust, not a statue. Bush kept it in the Oval Office. The UK Government offered to extend the loan yet again, but Obama declined. Where it had sat he now has a bust of Lincoln. The Churchill bust is currently in the British Embassy in Washington. It doesn't necessarily "mean" anything other than that Obama would rather look at Lincoln than Churchill.

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obama's real father and grandfather both fought against the British rule of Kenya. He still keeps a deep seated hatred of England, as was demonstrated by returning the bust of Winston Churchill. He only met with the PM because he had to (to be politically correct). He also believes in Black Liberation, as was demonstrated by belonging to Rev. Wright's church for over 20 years. He was also raised throughout his childhood with a Marxist Philosophy. His mentor in Hawaii, during his formative years, was the Marxist, Frank Marshall Davis. this is why obama has such distain for America... and subsequently, doing everything in his power to destroy it, our heritage, our lifestyle, and our American Exceptionalism!!

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How do you pronounce bust?

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