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Naturally there were exceptions but as a rule the older generation supported "the flag" (almost a "my country right or wrong" attitude). But there was something more to it...they didn't have to fight it (although out of fairness, many were Korean & WWII vets). A little unknown (not widely known) saying among some GIs in Vietnam..."Old men start wars, young men fight them."

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Q: Did older people oppose or support the Vietnam war?
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Why did the older generations support Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War?

The older generation, and the thinking members of the younger generation, could see that the spread of communism by Russia and China was taking over South East Asia and had to be stopped, so supporting South Vietnam's freedom was a turning point which put an end to rapid and unchecked communist expansion. Although North Vietnam eventually succeeded in taking over South Vietnam, in the process the Asian countries which provided troops for the war used it as a training ground to upgrade their armies to the extent that after the war, they had the military strength to suppress their growing internal communist revolutionary forces. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines achieved this, and Indonesia, although not involved, separately eradicated the massive internal threat.

Why is Tet celebrated?

Tet is the Lunar New Year in Vietnam. It's an important celebration of welcoming in the New Year, welcoming ancestral spirits back into the home, preparing for good fortune for the upcoming year, and celebrating "birthdays" as everyone in Vietnam becomes a year older at this time.

What is an assumption of aged people?

I think assumption of older people is cultural assumption What do you think

What pyramids are older Mayan or Egyptian?

The Egyptian pyramids are supposedly about 4000 years older than the mayans, A lot of people beg to differ though.

Why did women and older Americans oppose the Vietnam war?

The reasons behind American opposition to the Vietnam War fell into several main categories: opposition to the draft; moral, legal, and pragmatic arguments against U.S. intervention; and reaction to the media portrayal of the devastation in Southeast Asia. Vietnam War protesters. Wichita, Kansas, 1967 The draft, as a system of conscription which threatened lower class registrants and middle class registrants alike, drove much of the protest after 1965. Conscientious objectors did play an active role although their numbers were small. The prevailing sentiment that the draft was unfairly administered inflamed blue-collar American and African-American opposition to the military draft itself. Opposition to the war arose during a time of unprecedented Student activism which followed the free speech movement and the civil rights movements . The military draft mobilized the baby boomers who were most at risk, but grew to include a varied cross-section of Americans. The growing opposition to the Vietnam War was partly attributed to greater access to uncensored information presented by the extensive television coverage on the ground in Vietnam. Beyond opposition to the draft, anti-war protesters also made moral arguments against the United States' involvement in Vietnam. This moral imperative argument against the war was especially popular among American college students, who were more likely than the general public to accuse the United States of having imperialistic goals in Vietnam and to criticize the war as "immoral." Civilian deaths, which were either downplayed or omitted entirely by the Western media, became a subject of protest when photographic evidence of casualties emerged. An infamous photo of General Nguyen Ngoc Loan holding a pistol to the head of an alleged terrorist during the Tet Offensive also provoked public outcry.

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What was the average age of the north Vietnam soldier during the Vietnam war?

They appeared to mirror allied military men. Young and older men, and females were relegated to support duties (transport & repair) and primarily to duties defending their homeland (North Vietnam) in the anti-aircraft defense systems.

How many people speak french in Vietnam?

It is estimated that around 600,000 people in Vietnam speak French, mainly in urban areas and among the older generations. French was introduced to Vietnam during the colonial period and has had a lasting influence on the country's culture and education system.

In which Asian countries do older people speak french?

Vietnam and Thailand, in other Asian countries only the well educated people will speak several other languages.

What did the old people do in ww1?

In World War I, many older people served in various support roles such as administrative duties, medical care, and other non-combat roles. Some older individuals also served as advisors or mentors to younger soldiers. Additionally, older individuals at home often took on extra work and responsibilities to support the war effort.

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Statutory services for older people typically include healthcare services, social care support, housing services, financial assistance, and legal aid. These services are provided by government agencies and local authorities to ensure the well-being and safety of older individuals. They aim to promote independence, improve quality of life, and safeguard the rights of older people.

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people cant afford the newer technologies many a time.

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This statement would support the importance of archeology. Archeology is the study of prehistoric people and their cultures.

In the song for what it's worth what group were in conflict?

Young people and older people.

What views that the older generation of Australia expressed of the involvement of Australia in the Vietnam war?


Why do older people get grumpy?

Older people may get grumpy due to a variety of reasons, including health issues, pain, loneliness, and changes in lifestyle. Additionally, changes in brain chemistry and cognitive decline can also contribute to changes in mood and behavior as people age. It's important to acknowledge and address these factors in order to support the well-being of older adults.

What is the envirerment in Vietnam?

The environment of Vietnam is one that is ever-changing, it ranges from the swamps of the Mekong Delta, the vast jungles of the Cu-Chi district near Ho Chi Minh City )Saigon to older people), the enormous plains of the central highlands and the rolling hills near what was the DeMilitarised Zone that split North and South Vietnam during the 50s-70s.