

Did the Union have slavery

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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Originally, slavery was in practice in all of the United States. However, it changed when Abraham Lincoln, a member of the Republican party which had been campaigning against the spreading of slavery farther than it already was. Eleven states broke away from the rest of the United States and formed the Confederate States of America in a rebellion against anti-slavery. But besides from that, anti-slavery was widely accepted throughout the United States.

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Q: Did the Union have slavery
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He was against slavery, because he was on the union side. The union side was against slavery.

Were the south against slavery or were the union?

The Union (North) was against slavery while the Confederate (South) was against slavery.

Was the union for or against slavery and why?

No they thought slavery was bad that's how the civil war started but in the 1800s there was slavery in the north and south. The Union was anti-slavery.

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No, the Union wanted to end slavery, that was the reason was for the Civil War. The Confederacy wanted slavery

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The Union States (northern and non slavery) and the Confederate State (seceded from the union, southern, and pro slavery).

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William T. Sherman was against slavery because he was on the Union side. The Union side was against slavery. When the Confederate side was for slavery. So since Sherman's on the Union side, he was against it.

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The Confederacy was pro-slavery.

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Why does Ulysses S. Grant support union?

Because he believed that slavery was wrong. The Union once had slavery but when they switched to having factories they turned on the idea of slavery.

What were the points of view between the union and confederacy?

the union (north)was against slavery and wanted to keep the union while the Confederacy (south) was pro slavery and wanted to brake away from the union

Are confederate states free states?

no the union are free ,confederate are agents slavery Not true. Md,De,Mo,Ky were Union states that had slavery. In the middle of the war,WVa became a Union state (June '63) and also allowed slavery. All Confederates had slavery.