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Q: Did the democrats and republicans tended to support a program of active federal support for economic growth including high tariffs?
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How did the African Americans voting pattern change after the new deal?

Many shifted their votes from Republicans to Democrats

Which political party tended to support a program of active federal support for economic growth including high tariffs?

(b) Republicans The answer is supported in the text on pages 599

What are democratic beliefs on federal budget?

The Republicans spend now and pay later. They borrow money to spend now. Democrats tax for money to spend now. It is called "pay as you go" by Democrats and "Tax and Spend" by Republicans who are "Borrow and Spend" players.

How did the Democrat and Republican agendas differ in the 2012 election?

Democrats wants to increase federal spending in order to stimulate the economy; Republicans wanted to cut federal spending.

Who supported a program of active federal support for economic growth inlcuding high tariffs?


The Reconstruction Era ended when congressional Democrats agreed to the election of Rutherford B. Hayes and the Republicans promised to?

withdrawl federal troops from the south

What do the Democrats and Republicans think about same-sex marriage?

According to their respective official 2012 national platforms, Democrats think it should be recognized by the federal government and encourage the individual states to legalize it. Republicans believe it should be banned by state and federal statutes plus amendments to the federal and state constitutions, effectively annuling all existing same-sex marriages and prohibiting states from ever legalizing it.

What are major difference between democrats and republicans?

== == == == Although not technically part of their platform, Democrats are stereotyped as liberals and Republicans as conservatives.Common Liberal beliefs: * Womens rights (pro-choice) * Environmental issues like global warming are important * Same sex marriage* Taxes to fix the economy Common Conservative beliefs: * Pro-life (no abortion) * Cut taxes to fix the economy * No special rights to interest groupsRepublicans:less federal government involvement. Republicans are strong supporters of the tenth amendment which gives rights to the states as opposed to Congresscapitalism- free economic market not run or regulated by the governmentfreedom is the most important aspect of Americarepublicans want to uphold America as a republic, hence the nameDemocrats:more federal government involvement. Democrats do not generally like the tenth amendment and want the federal government to have more powersocialism- not a free economic market. Democrats, like in other things, want the government to regulate the marketequality is usually the most important thing to DemocratsDemocrats want to change America into a democracy, hence the name

What event made the Compromise of 1877 possible?

Democrats had gained enough power to get things they wanted from Republicans.

Why did members of congress oppose to the new frontier?

Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats believed that the new frontier was too costly. They also opposed an increase of federal power.

Which Founding Father was most in favor of a strong powerful federal government?

Democrats believe in a powerful central government, Republicans believe in states rights.

What was agreed in exchange for the presidency in the election of 1876?

A common belief is that the Democrats and Republicans made an unofficial compromise that allowed Rutherford Hayes to win the election in exchange for the Republicans' removal of federal troops from southern states and, thereby, ending Reconstruction.