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no not a bit of communism is left jackass

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Q: Did the marshal plan keep communism contained?
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How did the us react to the efforts to expand communism world wide?

The marshal plan

What was the goal of aid through the marshal plan?

The goal of aid provided through the Marshall Plan was to decrease the appeal of communism in Western Europe.

How was the marshal plan the first great success of George F Kennan's of containment?

the marshall plan built good will toward the united states that helped contain the expansion of communism

Who designed the plan to aid Europe in rebuilding after World War 2?

general marshal.....(THE MARSHAL PLAN)

Did the Soviet Union not participate in the Marshall plan because of its practice of a command economy?

The Marshal plan was a postwar US economic plan to support the economies of the western European countries to prevent their fall to communist agitation believed to be supported by the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union was deliberately never given any opportunity to participate in the Marshal Plan! It was the "enemy" that the plan was trying to oppose.

How would marshall plan weaken communism?

The plan weakened communism by restoring the economic growth of Europe.

How did Truman Doctrine and the Marshal Plan address the spread of communism?

The Marshall Plan provided economic support for recovering European nations for several reasons, including to try to contain the spread of communism. The plan was officially called the European Recovery Program.

What was the purpose of the marshal plan?

To help rebuild the economy to stop the spreading of communism and it provided markets for American goods, created reliable trading partners and supported the development of stable Democratic governments in Western Europe .

The containment theory and how it was used in Europe and Asia?

If you're talking about the US containment of Communism during the cold war it was known as the Truman Doctrine. President Truman promised to contain the spread of communism across the world, and that the US would help any country that had pressure from Communism whether it be external or internal. The US produced the Marshal Plan to stop Communism spreading in Europe because Communism came to poor people. The Marshal Plan meant that the US would provide any country who wanted help with money, advisers, natural resources, and industrial equipment. Stalin banned the Communist Eastern European countries from taking the Marshal Plan. In Asia the US followed the Truman Doctrine by helping, South Korea in the Korean War, and South Vietnam in the Vietnam War. In both cases, the Communist north attempted to capture the Capitalist south. Also when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, President Carter (and later President Reagan) provided the Mujahadin, who were fighting the USSR, with weapons.

The euorpean recovery program was also known as the?

The Marshal Plan because it was founded by George C. Marshal.

Who was a military leader that created an economic plan for world and peace?

General Marshal created the Marshal Plan with help from Drew Pierson and the rest of the Truman Cabinet.

What is the Marshal Plan?

the Marshal Plan was a program organized by US Secretary of State George Marshall to facilitate the economic recovery of Europe after World War II since so much industry and infrastructure had been destroyed in the war. The Plan went into effect in 1948. 1. rebuild the European industrial complex 2. stem the tied of communism in the region 3. relieve food shortages