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The southern colonies had both. The indentured servants were most likely prisoners.

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Q: Did the new England colonies have slavery or indentured servant?
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Related questions

Why did slavery replace indentured servitude in the colonies as time went out?

Slavery arrived in the colonies in 1619 so the colonies started with slavery.

What established slavery in the 13 original conies?

England became involved with slave trade, indentured servant supply declines as living conditions got better, and settlers feared ex- indentured servants rebeling.

Do the middle colonies have indentured servants?

yes they do in fact they have slavery

What was the catalyst for the rise of Negro slavery in the English colonies?

Indentured servitude

What was the catalyst for the rise of the Negro slavery in the English colonies?

Indentured servitude

What was the catalyst for the rise of negro slavery in English colonies?

Indentured servitude

How did the economies of New England and southern colonies differ?

South- tobacco plantations- indentured servants- slaveryNew England- trade- small farms- fishing (New England was said to be built on "God and cod")- little need for slavery or indentured servitude

What nation was the institution of slavery replaced by indentured servitude?


What is indentured service?

Indentured servitude was a system where individuals agreed to work for a set number of years in exchange for passage to a new location or other benefits. This practice was prevalent in the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly in the Americas, where Europeans would work as indentured servants in exchange for land or other opportunities. It was a form of temporary labor contract, distinct from lifelong slavery.

What is indentured?

Indentured Service is when a person agrees to work for another in return for training, travel or education. It was first mentioned in the Torah, Bible as a person that was a gentile that wanted to become a Christian. They would give six (6) years of service to their teacher. The teacher/master would have them work their land or repair their home as they learned the Bible. This went on through the age's to where it was also used in the 13 Colonies. Anyone but a Christian could be an indentured servant. Any non-Christian could be an indentured servant, not based on color. This indentured servitude became 'slavery', (lifetime indentured service), first through the servant illegally breaking their contract and then finally through the greed of the teacher/master.

How are slavery and indentured servitude alike?

Slavery and indentured servitude involve individuals working against their will, typically in service to someone else. Both systems deprive individuals of their freedom and subject them to harsh living and working conditions. However, in indentured servitude, individuals may have a contract specifying the terms of their labor and eventual release, whereas slavery typically involves lifelong bondage without such contractual agreements.

What is the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?

And indentured servant only does so many years slavery before allowed to go free, were as, if you were a slave, you were pretty much stuck that way for life, until the underground Rail-Road came along. Choo! Choo!