

Differences between nuclear force and electrostatic force?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Differences between nuclear force and electrostatic force?
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What mechanisms are in?

gravitational force electrostatic force weak nuclear force strong nuclear force

What force exist in nature?

-- gravity -- electrostatic force -- weak nuclear force -- strong nuclear force

What are forces in mechanics?

gravitational force electrostatic force weak nuclear force strong nuclear force

Which one of the 4 fundamental forces can repel and attract?

The electrostatic force is attractive between unlike charges, and repulsive between like charges.

What is a force that works at a distance?

Gravitational, electrostatic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear

What force works from a distance?

Gravitational, electrostatic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear

What holds protons in the nucleus?

They are bound by nuclear force. At tiny distances, nuclear forces are much more significant in magnitude than gravity or electrostatic repulsion. The name of the force between protons in the nucleus is the "Strong Nuclear Force".

Differences and similarities between gravitational force and electrostatic force?

Similarities: inverse square law for strength of force both r central forces both are conservative forces both follow principle of superposition Differences gravity attracts electric force electric force can change direction electrostatic force depends on interviening medium

What force pulls electrons and proton together?

Electrostatic force

Difference between electrostatic force and electromagnetic force?

electrostatic force is the force between the two opposite charges where as the electromagnetic force is movement of electrons

The nucleus holds what?

The nuclear membrane nuclear membrane strong nuclear force, stronger than electrostatic repulsion

Which two forces are responsible for holding the atom together?

The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Inside the nucleus, there is an electrostatic force of repulsion between the protons. Those protons have positive charges, and like charges repel. Also acting in the nucleus is a force of attraction called the nuclear force. It provides the nuclear binding energy to keep the nucleus together. This nuclear force is a short range force, and is so strong that it will overcome the effect of the force of repulsion between the protons.