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Tomato skin is just that, the skin from the tomato. Tomato pulp is the skin and the seed and whatever else does not make it through the strainer.

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Q: Differences between tomato skin and tomato pulp?
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What is the difference between tomato pulp cells and onion cells?

The pulp has bigger cells in it, while the skin has many tiny cells.

What function might the cells of the tomato pulp provide?

I believe your question is what is the specific function of the tomato cell, and the answer would be that like skin cells, tomato cells provide a boudary that protect the fruit inside. This is the skin of the tomato of course.

A sieve can be used to separate a mixture of different what?

You can separate the juice and pulp of tomatoes from the seeds and skin when making homemade tomato juice.

How would you write the word tomato in possessive form?

Apostrophe s. The tomato's skin is still green. The skin belongs to the tomato.

If you eat tomato and after digestion tomato skin remains undigested will this cause disease?

Not at all. Undigested tomato skin will pass harmlessly through the digestive system, and causes no disease.

What is the difference between liver cell and skin cell?

The difference between a tomato cell and a skin cell is their shape: Skin cells tend to be rounder than tomato cells. Also, the tomato cell has a cell wall, in which is missing in a skin cell. Skin cells are found on animals, like us, and tomato cells are found - let's face it - in or on a tomato.

Is tomato juice over night on face?

Tomato juice is great for skin. A tomato juice mask can be used on a persons face overnight. The tomato juice helps keep the skin healthy. The easiest way to use the tomato on the face is to cut the tomato in half and wipe the juice directly on the face.

What is the differences between young and old skin?

old skin is fairly easy to pierce whereas young skin is new and old skin has wrinkles young skin does not have wrinkles because the skin is stretchy

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Speculate on t5he reasons for differences in skin texture and hair between men and women?
