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Traditional marketing often refers to print, outdoor (such as billboards and benches), television, and radio advertising. E-marketing is referring to digital forms of marketing such as e-mail, banner ads, Facebook , Twitter, blogs, etc.

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Q: Differentiate traditional marketing and e marketing?
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Non traditional marketing is faster and efficient than traditional marketing.

What is an example of how e-marketing reduces costs?

E-marketing can offer more competitive prices than traditional marketing because e-marketing reduces costs by not having to maintain physical store space and by strategically placing distribution centers throughout the country.

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The difference between direct marketing and indirect marketing.

What are the advantages of e-marketing for business?

It has two distinct advantages over traditional marketing. E-marketing provides customers with more convenience and more competitive prices, and it enables businesses to reduce operational costs.

Why is E-commerce different?

E-commerce is very different from traditional commerce, because it uses the internet and globalization to enhance the products and services. E-commerce provide direct connection between customer and corporation, eliminating third men, through e-commerce you can easily compare products, brands, quality and prices of e-commerce marketing and traditional marketing.

Types of non-traditional marketing?

The 5 types of non-traditional marketing: 1.) Person Marketing 2.) Place Marketing 3.) Cause Marketing 4.) Event Marketing 5.) Organization Marketing

What are the key categories of non-traditional marketing?

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Difference between traditional marketing and guerrilla marketing?

In traditional marketing, the primary investment is money. In guerrilla marketing, the primary investment is time, effort, and creativity. Traditional marketing is designed for big companies with large budgets. Guerrilla marketing is designed for small businesses.

What are the five types of nontraditional marketing?

Non traditional marketing is a very effective form of marketing. There are many types of non traditional marketing. Five types of non traditional marketing are seminars, stealth marketing, stunt marketing, events, and people or joke marketing.

Differentiate marketing into selling?

Marketing products leads to their sales. However, the amount of sales that a product gets depends on how efficient its marketing strategy is.

What is the product in traditional marketing?

Lastly, the product of traditional marketing campaigns is the goods and services offered for sale.