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Battery farmed chicken is cheaper than free range, but that is the only thing about battery hens that are good. When you eat plant foods, all the energy and material from that plant goes straight to your body. If a hen eats the same plant food, and soon it would be killed to that it could be eaten, not all the original energy and material that was in the plant would be passed on to your body.

The reason for this is because when the animal was alive, it took almost all of it energy it needed for itself and much of would go out through the body by faeces. This means this less and less energy that comes to us. This is one reson why battery hen farming is a effienct way of producing food!

Not only that put the air is kept warm in its cages, so that less energy converted to heat!! Disadvantages- Some ethical issues- People think that battery farming is morally wrong. Hens cannot carry out natural behaviour such as preening, scratching, dust and water bathing and rustling of feathers because of lack of room to move. Their bodies grow too quickly due to their diet and their legs cannot grow as quick, so the legs give way and break, which is very distressing and painful for the hen. The hens develop severe behaviour problems and can attack each other. ---- Advantages- They are fed high protein diets to make them grow very big very quickly, so manufacture of hens is quicker and the meat will also be tender, due to the chicken being young. The restricted space to move means they do not use the energy from the food they eat to move around. Energy is also conserved because the cages they are kept in are kept very warm. This means more of the energy from the chicken comes to the consumer.

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9y ago

"Battery farming" is a disadvantage because chickens are not allowed to stretch their wings, move around freely (as in walk where ever they feel), exhibit natural behaviours such as nesting and pecking the ground, and they have wire mesh to stand on, not a solid floor of anything but metal. Several chickens are also crammed--seemingly so by those of little understanding of agricultural practices--into one small cage.

On a larger scale where thousands of layers are raised in such a system, there is a large build-up of manure and operations must be maintained to make sure the birds get regular feed, water and have their manure taken away from them before it builds up to the point where even the farmer sees their operation as inhumane.

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13y ago

Bad all round. Bad for your money, bad for the environment, bad for the chicken & bad for you. Free range farming is far more sustainable, better for you, better for your money, better for the chicken & better for the environment. (And better for your countryside. Surely you don't want the countryside littered with huge, disgusting sheds? Some battery farms stretch for literally miles.)

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