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Q: Do Americans Eat Only Burgers
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Do Americans eat big burgers?

yes, up to 18oz! Yes they eat burgers bigger than an apple.

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What do the Americans usually eat?

Oh you know those Americans are into the triple decker cheese burgers and there tofu and what not all the normal Americans eat it ;)

Why do Americans eat burgers?

Americans fell in love with burgers because they are easy to eat while traveling. The 1950s made hamburgers fast.

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Americans tend to eat more burgers

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same reason why americans eat burgers and pizza

What do people in Switzerland eat?

One answer: People in Switzerland eat many different things than Americans, but they do enjoy some American food like burgers!

Why do Americans only eat cheese?

Americans don't only eat cheese.

What three foods do Americans eat a lot of?

Pizza, Burgers and fries.....all junk food full of fat.

How many burgers are consumed in the US each year?

On average, Americans consume about 50 billion burgers per year in the United States.

What kind of food do North Americans usually eat?

from what i usually see most eat burgers and pizza about 1/3 eat food that is better for u but still not entirely good