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honestly idk,,imma huge Rihanna BEYOCE fan i sing allot i love t sing wen i do i breath thro my mouth....ive wone contests 4 i guess so.

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Q: Do Beyonce and Rihanna breathe with their mouths when singing?
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Why are whales unable to breathe to their mouths?

Whales don't need to breathe through their mouths. Instead, they breathe through their blowholes on top of their heads, like the dolphins and porpoises.

Why are whales unable to breathe through their mouths?

Whales don't need to breathe through their mouths. Instead, they breathe through their blowholes on top of their heads, like the dolphins and porpoises.

When do frogs use their mouths to breathe?

I would think they breathe with there mouth underwater.

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with their mouths

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Bats breathe through their mouths and noses.

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Through their noses and mouths.

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No, they can and do breathe through their mouths.

Can a cat breathe with its mouth?

Yes, cats can breathe through their mouths, but normally through their nose

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Many fish swim with their mouths open. They swim with their mouths open because the water goes into their mouths and out their gills, which is how they breathe.

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just like a human, but larger... mouth, nose, lungs Its impossible to breathe through their mouths.

Do cougars have lungs?

Yes cougars have lungs, so they breathe trough their mouths. They also breathe through their noses.