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Islam adherents usually worship five specific times a day. Buddhism does not have this strict a schedule. Buddhist practice includes chanting, meditation, and yoga.

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Q: Do Buddhist's worship on specific days of at specific times?
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Do Buddhist's worship on specific days or at specific times?


Do Theravada Buddhists worship a personal deity?

No, there are several gods mentioned in Therevada Buddhism but one is not admonished to worship them as people normally think of god worship these days.

What days do Buddhists medtitate or worship?

Some Buddhists meditate all day every day (the monks living in the forest, mainly found in china do that). Others meditate twice a day, once in the morning and once in the night and on full moons. Some meditate only once a day, and some only meditate when they have time to do so. But it is really not specific, but most buddhists try to always meditate on the night of a full moon. And the meditation is worship.

What is a bodhi tree?

The Bodhi tree is the tree which the Buddha sat under for 49 days, Buddhists visit the tree as an act of worship

What is the specific day of worship in Islamic religion?

all days have been made specific for prayers. Muslims have been obliged to pray five times a day.However prayers on the night of 15 shauban and all month of ramzan specially the last ten days are of great importance for repentance.

What days of the week do Buddhists go to mass?

Buddhists do not go to mass. Only Christians and Catholics do.

Does shinto have special worship days?

Shintos have no days of worship.

At what time do Buddhist worship?

There is no special time or weekday reserved for practice, although early morning and evening are recommended for meditation. During the year there are several days in which some special ocurrences in the Buddha's life took place, like his enlightenment, his passing away (into parinirvana), his birth, his conception and the first teaching. Furthermore, some Buddhist traditions advise to do practice on full moon and new moon days, and first and last quarter of every month. Buddhist practice often does not really fall under the category of 'worship'. Instead of praying to or worshipping a Buddha, it is considered important to study and meditate in order to improve the state of our mind.

When do you think everyone will have to worship on Sunday?

Sunday worship will never be for everyone. We know that for Jews the Sabbath can only be on Saturday. Muslims must perform their main worship on Fridays. Similarly, we can not expect Buddhists or Daoists to have a special worship day on Sundays, although the fact that Sundays are usually work-free days at least makes Sunday worship convenient. Atheists do not worship, so they would be exempt from any requirement to worship on Sundays.If we can not require non-Christians to worship on Sundays, why should we expect Christians, for whom Saturdays are the day of worship, to worship on Sundays?

What are the days of worship for Jews?

Religiously observant Jews pray 3 times a day, every day, and 4 times on Saturday.

What day is Buddist sabbath day?

There is no specific "sabbath day" for Buddhists. Primarily this is due to the fact that sabbath days are set up by a religion's deity and Buddhism has no deity.

Does Zen Buddhism have a Sabbath day?

There is no specific "sabbath day" for Buddhists. Primarily this is due to the fact that sabbath days are set up by a religion's deity and Buddhism has no deity.