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Many denominations ( what a Buddhist would call a school or lineage) throughout history have had praying people, probably the majority.

Because Buddhists don't posit an ultimate Creator God, some westerners jump to the unwarranted conclusion that in Buddhism there is no belief in beings other than what can be seen...this is simply not true.

Throughout all the scriptures of Buddhism (Both Pali and Sanskrit) there are spirits, gods and goddess. In most schools of Buddhism prayer is optional, not required, and depending on the school it is seen differently.

Many pray to the Buddha of this Universe ( Gautama Shakyamuni) and to countless other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The idea that Buddhism is just a "secular" philosophy is a late 19th century western notion that is simply not born out historically.

Just as Christians differ in their beliefs about some things, Buddhists differ on whether to pray for help. Some Buddhist denominations teach that prayer is not the way, but only ethics (sila), meditation (samadhi) and wisdom (prajna) is Buddhism, while some teach that prayer indeed can be and often is a part of developing those three, especially ethics and meditation.

But in all cases it would be a mistake to think that when Buddhists pray they do it "the way Christians do". Buddhists have been always praying in their own ways. In some ways similar, in some ways very different, but not the same as Christians or monotheistic religions. The focus and purpose of prayer is ultimately for the sake of becoming enlightened so you can help beings, if it truly moves you toward that it is Buddhist in the broadest sense.



Buddhism is a Philosophy, not a Religion. True Buddhist will not resort to prayers or petition the gods and deities. Buddhism is based on secular truths. Religion based on supernatural.


As Buddhism is quite an open minded religion, its followers will sometimes pray to Hindu gods such as Ganesh (I have seen Buddhists doing this in India on the television).


Questions like this always imply that Buddhist should pray the way Christians do. Consider how willing Christians would be to give up the concept of God and Jesus, heaven and hell, and a divine definition of right and wrong joim in with Buddhist thinking. The leap is as great in either direction and would destroy the core precepts of either philosophy.

With specific regard to praying, Christians pray to a deity for intervention or in thanks. Buddhists have no deity. The "praying" they do is more of an affirmation of Buddhism's precepts as indtruction.

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