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Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i faith. Christianity recognize Judaism but not Islam. Islam recognizes Judaism, Christianity but not Baha'i faith.

And finally Baha'i faith recognizes Judaism, Christianity and Islam all together. And obviously he did not start anything. He simply preached the word of God, i.e. the holy revelations.

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Q: Do Christians believe that Abraham started Judaism and Islam?
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Judaism & Christianity started with God's Covenant with Abraham.

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Judaism is a religion, it all started in Abraham's time.

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1800 BCE is usually given as the date when Abraham lived. If you believe that Judaism started with Abraham, as is the typical Jewish belief, then, yes, Judaism began in 1800 BCE. However, there are a variety of different opinions which posit the beginning of Judaism anywhere from 2000 BCE to 550 BCE.

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No. Abraham started what we call Judaism, one thousand years before King Solomon.

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Our tradition is that Abraham began what we call Judaism, around 1800 BCE. See the attached Related Link for a full timeline. _______________________________________________________ Judaism was not started by prophet Abraham. Judaism religion started by God revelation of Torah to Moses (peace be upon them). It is dated around 1300 BCE.

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