

Do I look androgynous

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do I look androgynous
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Can you give me a sentence with the word androgynous?

An androgynous person has both masculine and feminine traits. The singer Annie Lennox, with her short, cropped hair, dark pants and basic blazer has an androgynous look on stage. Did the writers of Satuday Night Live ever reveal if the androgynous character named Pat was a man or a woman?

What part of speech is androgynous?

Androgynous is an adjective.

Is androgynous an adjective?

Yes, androgynous is an adjective.

Is being androgynous mean that you have some sort of respect to both genders?

Being androgynous means that you have masculine and feminine characteristics.In other words, you look like you could be both genders.

How do you use androgynous in a sentence?

There is a girl in my art class who's very androgynous.

What did Bacchus look like?

Bacchus was the Roman god of wine and drinking. He was supposed to look like an androgynous young man, and was often portrayed as nude.

How do you spell androgeonous?

The correct spelling is "androgynous" (having male and female characteristics).

Why does Jaye Davidson look so much like Chloe Sevigny?

They are both somewhat androgynous individuals. Both have played roles of an opposite gender from their own. So perhaps in their attempts in look androgynous, they have come to the same look from 2 different genders. I think they both look cute and vaguely feminine, but with a slight masculine edge. They are both a bit aggressive and up front, for a woman.

What does the word endrogenous mean?

NOTHING. It is a typo (spelling error). Perhaps they meant "endogenous" or androgynous, you would need to look at the context.

Can reptiles be androgynous?

only in your imagination

What is an example of an androgynous animal?


Is Lady Bat androgynous?
