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That's much more likely to be because of your singing technique than your tonsils. See a voice/singing coach instead.

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Q: Do I need to get my Tonsils removed because every time I sing my throat hurts and it gets shaky and feels like choppy?
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Will you still get strep throat if palatine tonsils are removed?

No. The tonsils are the things that are causing you to get sore throats. See, you tonsils rub against your throat when they are too big, causing a sore throat. When you get them removed the sore throats go away.

Can you get strep throat when you don't have tonsils?

They can - tonsils are part of the throat, but do not comprise all of your throat. Since even if your tonsils are taken out, the rest of your throat remains, so you can still acquire an abscess on it.

How does getting your tonsils taken out help you not to have sore throat troubles like strep throat?

Your tonsils build up bacteria causing an irritation in the back of the throat so when you get your tonsils removed you don't have to worry about it.

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Can you get strep throat if your tonsils were removed?

I have gotten my tonsils removed and yes you can still get strep throat. Although you get it not as easy and it will not be as much of a miserable experience. As you could imagine not having tonsils that also swell up. Plus you get to chill in a hospital and eat ice cream... Now that is bomb.

Im 26yrs old and ive had strep throat 5 times in the last 7 months Should you look at getting your tonsils removed?

no if you had more than 5 i think you should get your tonsils removed no if you had more than 5 i think you should get your tonsils removed

Is there anything you can do to keep from getting strep throat?

Get your tonsils removed you won't get strep ever again.

Can you still get strep throat if your tonsils are out?

You can still get strep throat if your tonsils are out.

Why do you have to have your tonsils removed?

No but i did and it helps to not getting a sore throat but its best if you do it when your younger, i was 3 when i got them out. But you could still get them when your older its just better when your younger : )

How do I avoid strep throat?

You could cut your tonsils off because when you get strep throat, your tonsil areas are infected.Therefore if you don't have tonsils,the area can't be infected.

What can cause recurring strep throat in a person with no tonsils?

Unfortuntely tonsils do have the possibility of growing back, but strep affects the tonsils AND throat.

Can you give me a sentence with the word tonsils?

The doctor recommended removing my tonsils to prevent recurring throat infections.