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Q: Do Jack Russell dogs have pointy ears?
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Do floppy ears turn into pointy ears?

Because Santa put a spell on you and you turned into an elf! You have to make toys! my cat has pointy ears! He is an undercover elf! //////when dogs are puppies they usually have floppy ears but as they mature depending on the breed the ears will stand up and become pointy

What type of food does dogs ears make pointy?

None; they must be born with it!

Do pigs have pointy ears or droopy ears?

Pigs genrally have pointy ears

Why do your German shepherds ears hang?

all dogs ears hang, the ones with pointy ears got the ears cut tht way. most get their ears cut when puppies

What breed of dogs have large pointy ears?

proportionately the pappillion the German Shepard is second?

What breed of dog has brown spots on his ears?

Could you be more specific, there are lots of brown dogs with pointy ears of many breeds

Why do leprechauns have pointy ears?

cos pointy ears are Celtic

What are the differences of cats and dogs?

Cats have pointy ears and dogs dont.Cats meow and dogs bark. FROM Jasmine your #1 animal fan and im 8.BYE!

Can a dog have pointy ears?

yes the one that look like a wolf has pointy ears

What does an elf have that's pointy?

An elf has pointy ears.

Do dragonns have pointy ears?

it depends on what type dragon it is if it is a. if it is a deadly mater than it has no ears. but if it is a night fury than it does not have pointy ears it has blunt ears

Why chihuahuas have pointy ears?

German shepards have pointy ears too. But it's just the kind of breed they are.