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Well, if someone is your spouse, you are already married to them, you can't marry them again, whether they are dead or alive. Mormons do believe that they can be 'sealed' to a deceased spouse. This means that if you were not 'sealed' in a temple ceremony while your husband or wife was alive, you can still be sealed to them in the temple ceremony after they have died. Being 'sealed' means that you will still be married in heaven.

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13y ago

Well.... Yes and no......

If a couple was already legally married they can be 'sealed' in the temple after death, to have them sealed "for all eternity." They were already married by a civil authority, this process simply ensures that their marriage will continue in heaven as it did on earth. In order for this to happen, living people simply stand in for them as proxy.

But.... other then that, no. Unless the couple was legally married previous to one (or both) of them dying, they cannot be sealed in the temple.

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