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Yes they do, and they are actually better suited to being alone as they two males will fight over the territory in the tank. Make sure you can provide a large tank of 55 gallons plus with a good turnover, and furnish with sparse decorations such as bogwood, pipes and rocks. However Oscars can be kept with other large fish that can fend for themselves such as Tinfoil Barbs, Silver Sharks, Severums, Fire Eels and large catfish

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No fish like to live alone.

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Q: Do Oscars the fish like to live alone?
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Why do Oscar fish need to live alone?

Oscars should be kept alone so they don't eat any of your other fish of fight with other Oscars. Oscars also grow very fast and as they do they become more and more aggressive. They can sometimes be kept with a large plecostomus if your tank has plenty of room.

Where do Oscar fish live at?

Oscars Live in the Amazon River in South America

How often do Oscars breed?

Oscars are a type of fish that live in tropical waters. Fish that are captive will lay eggs approximately every thirty days.

Can ghostfish live with Oscars fish?

Not as far as i know. I wouldn't risk it

Do some aquarium fish like to live alone in their species amongst a community of fish?

yes sometimes they will even eat the other fish

Is Oscars live?

if you mean Are the Oscars live' as in the movie/rockstars, then YES.Yes, generally, the Oscars are produced live.

Can Oscar fish eat moths and bugs?

Yes they can and do eat moths and bugs. Live food is very good for Oscars.

Is it okay for an Oscar fish and a cleaner to live together?

If by "cleaner" you mean "cleaner wrass" the answer is no. Oscars are fresh water fish and cleaner wrass are marines (ie salt water fish)

Can you have 2 Oscars live in the same tank?

True sharks can not be kept with Oscars. Oscars are freshwater fish and Sharks live in the ocean. There are however several species of freshwater fish that are commonly called sharks that could possibly be kept with Oscars provided the tank is large enough.

Do Oscars live in salt water or fresh water?

The fish most frequently referred to as the Oscar is Astronotus ocellatus. It is a freshwater cichlid. Oscars are predators that grow very large and eat anything, in quantity. If it fits into the Oscar's cavernous mouth, it will be eaten. They are not beginners' fish.

Could an Oscar fish live with any of these fish my Oscars are really young like not even an inch yet Cory catfish neon blue dwarf gourami angelfish albino gourami?

The fish will get bigger. Oscar will generally eat anything that will fit inside of their mouth. However, I have raised cats with an Oscar and the fish left the group alone. Make sure you have a lot of cover and you might be alright. Don't feed them Feeders! P.s - Don't let the Oscar get Hungry.

Can Oscar fish live with algae eater fish?

Yes, I have had lots of experience with Oscars. One of mine died recently from a sickness. Algae eater fish are not dominant, in this case the Oscar does not take it as a threat and does not bother it. The answer to your question is yes, an Oscar can live with an algae eater fish.