

Do adult frogs have lungs

Updated: 11/12/2022
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14y ago

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Yes, most adult frogs have fully functional lungs plus they can exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the air through their skin also or in simpler terms they can breathe through their skin too albeit not in a very efficient manner but enough to keep them alive underwater for extended periods. The African clawed frog is one of the rare exceptions in that the adults are fully aquatic, exchange gas through their skin and do not have lungs.

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Q: Do adult frogs have lungs
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lungs maybe? -____-

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Adult Poison dart frogs breath through their lungs and skin. Tadpoles use gills.

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Frogs have lungs just like you do. Tadpoles, however, have internal gills until they turn into frogs. Frogs breathe by pulsing their throat to suck air into and out of their lungs.

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Tadpoles breath through gills and when they mature into frogs they breath through lungs. this is similar for many amphibians

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it is 23

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Fish, some crustaceans, and amphibians (only in the larval stage, e.g. tadpoles).

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Most frogs have lungs, but their are lungless frogs. They can also breath thru their skin.

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Tadpoles use gills to breath. Adult amphibians breath with their lungs, and frogs can get a little oxygen from their skin, when moist or wet.