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Yes, they do :3

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Q: Do adults need more potassium than fiber?
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How much potassium you need in a day?

For adults, 4700 mg per day is the normal need. But to lower blood pressure, you'll probably want to decrease your sodium intake at the same time as you get more (or enough) potassium. Fewer salty foods.

Do children need more energy than adults?

Yes, children do need more energy than adults because they are in a phase of rapid growth and development. Their energy requirements are higher to support the growth of tissues, bones, and organs. Additionally, children tend to be more physically active, which also increases their energy needs.

What is the maximum daily amount of potassium?

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) : 3500 milligrams On a blood test from a lab, they report on a single unit scale, and most adults need between 2 to 5 on the test. If you have numbers above that, you may experience heart problems. Most minerals can be quite harmful if done to excess.

Do you need to cook cabbage to get the full amount of fiber?

No, you get more fiber from raw plants.

How much fiber would a 12 year old need daily?

20-25 grams for a kid. Adults need 25-30 grams.

Does hamburger have potassium?

Yes, but if you need to supplement your potassium intake, bananas or avocados have more, and are better for you.

How can you eat more fiber?

you need to eat more wholemeal products and bread

Why might young children need more food than adults?

Young children are still growing so they need more food. Adults aren't growing any more.

Do children need more than adults?

no they dont

Why do people need less fiber as they get older?

I'm not sure I agree with this. Fiber is good for bowel regularity and intestinal health. Older people usually need to take care of their intestines as colon cancer is one of the leading killers of adults in the United States.

Why do teenagers need more sleep than adults?

because they are physically maturing and need more sleep.

Why do kids need more iron than adults?

Because their growing and their bodies need more neutrinos.