

Do you all have a brca gene?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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Yes we do. There are various estimates, but most experts agree that we produce a few cancer cells on a daily basis. It is our immune system that finds them and destroys them before they get a chance to multiply and cause problems.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Every human experiences minor mutations in their DNA that may accumulate and end up with a cell multiplying uncontrollably. Sometimes certain viruses assist in causing the cells to multiply. These cells then form tumours, and they may be benign or they may be malignant. Those that are malignant are called cancers.

Because of their uncontrolled growth, cancer cells can't be dormant in the sense that they are present but not multiplying.

However, every human, from time to time, may develop cells that would develop into a cancerous tumour. Under normal conditions, the body can destroy most of these cells before they are able to grow into a tumour. The tumour cells are abnormal, and the body's immune system can detect them and consider them as "foreign." The cellular immune system is the most important part of the immune system for this form of defence.

Sometimes the cancer cells are not detected properly by the immune system, or the immune system may not be working properly. In such cases, the cells do then grow into a tumour.

It is not clear how often each human develops such abnormal cells, but it is likely that every human undergoes this process from time to time.

Human papillomavirus, the virus that causes warts, has many different types, and some of these types are able to cause cancers, especially cervix cancer. About 80% of sexually active women are eventually infected - so such cells are common. Cervix cancer cells often escape from the immune system and develop into cancer. The immune system can be stimulated by vaccination, which prevents the development of atypical cells by helping the body develop immunity against the virus.

Other vaccines that cause the immune system to respond directly to cancer cells are in the developmental stage, using proteins from tumour cells or killed tumour cells to provide the body with the foreign proteins to learn to identify and respond to.

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11y ago

There is no single cancer gene. Genes that markedly increase the risk of developing cancer are carried by something like one-fifth to one-tenth of the population, but they only make cancer more likely, they do not invariably lead to cancer, just as some heavy smokers never develop lung cancer.

In about 80 % of cancers, the cause is unknown. It may appear that cancer is very rarely caused by a single factor. Most cancers may arise from a combination of weak cancer susceptibility genes, environmental factors and/or chronic inflammation, such as chronic pancreatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, but this is speculation.

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10y ago

Yes. We all do.

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BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that can mutate into cancer.

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The cause of breast cancer is not fully understood. Heredity or genetically related susceptibility is considered to play a role. Hormonal regulation of the breast is related to the development of breast cancer, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Sex hormones (like estrogen) may act as a tumour promoters id initiating agents have induced malignant changes. Estrogen doesn't cause Breast Cancer, but the initiating agents that are found in a susceptible person may accelerate its growth. Additional factor under study include physical inactivity, dietary fat intake, obesity, and alcohol intake. Environmental factors such as chemical, pesticide, and radiation exposure may also play a role. Gene abnormalities may be inherited. 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancer persons inherit this gene. Tumour suppressor genes BRCA-1 gene, located in chromosome 17 is a tumour suppressor gene that inhibits tumor development when functioning normally. Women who have BRCA-1 mutations have a 50-85 percent lifetime chance of developing breast cancer. BRCA-2 is another culprit. BRCA tumor suppressor genes mutations may account for 10-40 percent of breast cancers.

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The entire collection of genes among a population is called the "gene pool".

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