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No, they all don't act angry, but they certainly don't think like women, nor do women think like men. EXAMPLE: You both are out at a party and someone is extremely rude to both of you. Your boyfriend/husband usually will get a little angry inside, but walks off and has a beer with one of his friends, while you would sit there seething and feel really angry for a long while over this type of situation and still be yakking about it the car going home. Men can bury their feelings quicker than a grizzly on a feeding frenzy. What I ended up doing with my husband was starting a habit of when he comes home we sit down for an hour together. I make tea or Hot Chocolate (or he may have a wine) and we relax and ask about each others day and if there are any problems then we discuss them and try to help each other as best we can. Everyone has a busy schedule, so that hour is super important to us. If a friend phones during that hour my husband or I will tell them we'll call them back later and we do. Everyone should take at least an hour out of their lives in order to touch each other (even a kiss or sitting on his knee) or, discussing your day. If you are just a young married couple this sort of thing will take a couple of years to get down pat. Men usually hate confrontations with a woman and they aren't into small talk. Here are a few tips when talking to him: Get to the point Don't whine Don't accuse him of anything right away Don't yell or scream, but talk in a firm and steady voice Choose your words carefully because you can hurt someone so easily when you let your tongue control your thoughts. Don't let him turn his back on you. If he gets angry or starts to leave, tell him firmly that if he walks out that door and isn't mature enough to discuss your relationship then he can keep going. MEAN IT! I find if someone won't talk about their relationship then it's because they aren't happy, don't have the smarts to discuss it and make a decision to stay together or leave each other or they could be up to no good. Instead of letting him over power you just lay it on the line and tell him he either sits down with you and discusses your relationship or he can hit the bricks! If he won't communicate with you about something this important, then you don't want to be stuck with him the rest of your life. Good luck Marcy

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Q: Do all men react angrily or dismissively when you ask to talk about your relationship?
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