

Do all search engines search the internet the same way?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Let's begin by the fact that only 4 search engine companies actually have Spiders that crawl the body of the HTML of websites. Those are:, , and Each one of those search engines has a differne approach of algorithms for displaying results.

Then, you have meta search engines. Those search engines have spiders that only crawl the meta tags and meta descriptions of the HTML within a site. Examples are and

Then you have human based search engines (Directories). Those display results based on the information listed in their directory. A fantastic example is which is a fee speech platform

You have mashup search engines that combine the api of other search engines, such as: All the search engines piled in one or - use Google's algorithms but emphasizes the best of the web

You have niche search engines, such as: the classified ads search engines or for displaying results based on their regions.

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Every Search engine robots crawl data all the websites..Which is running on the internet..

How is a search engine and a metasearch engine dfferent?

Search engine usually have their own database of sites they craw and list in their database, for example Google, Yahoo, Ask. Meta Search Engines usually do not have their own database of crawled sites, they search the databases of real search engines, usually many search engines at the same time, and provide you results. So a meta search engine will give you results from say Yahoo and Google, some meta search engines do have database of sites submitted to them. Example of a meta search engine is DogPile.

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There are only four real search engines. GOOGLE.COM,,, and then, , , , .....- all of them feed out of the 4 big ones.

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All search engine are same,they search your search string in different way because all search engine have different algorithms. Here some kind of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Alta vista, AOL Search etc.

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Yes, Boolean operators are universal.

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Google all the way matey

Do you need a search engine?

Yes for sure. All peoples who using internet will using search engines to searching anything such as product/service/information. People who using an internet don't using a search engines only for their usually activities such as opening their email account, login to their social network or reading newspapers, etc

When would you use a metasearch engine?

The extraordinary growth of the internet has made it difficult, if not impossible, for search engines to keep up with its immense size and pace. Thus far, the major search engines have only been able to index a fraction of all the data that is available on the internet. Therefore, chances of finding relevant search results occasionally fails if users rely on only one search engine. Thus, the key to effective internet searching is not to rely on one, but rather on multiple search engines. However, it can be time consuming and tedious to individually visit and perform a search on multiple search engines. A Meta search engine (MSE) is a search engine that collects results from other search engines, and then presents a summary of that information as the results of a search. The MSE iral is a Web service that offers such functionality. In practice, one can adopt different approaches to achieve the same goal; one could build a unique Web service that fulfils all tasks and does everything. With a smaller granularity, iral Meta search engine is a service for each search engine and an extra one that will use all the other to retrieve the results and compile them.