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Most tropical fish live in the ocean, but some do live in freshwater.

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Q: Do all tropical fish live in fresh water?
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What is the hottest temperature of water fish can live in?

A safe temperature for tropical fresh water fish is 20-35 degrees

Tilapia is a tropical fresh water fish what does this statement mean?

Tropical freshwater fish are fish from the tropics (water temperature around 78-80F) that live in lakes and rivers, instead of the salty ocean.

Can tropical fish live in cloudy water?

Fish can live in all types of water, depending on what species they are. Hope this helps! Also, if it is a fresh-water fish it should not be placed in that type of water in the first place.

Do GloFish live in fresh or salt water?

salt water, in corral bits in a reef or something, its a tropical fish.

Do salt water fish live in tropical tanks?

Saltwater fish require salt water, and fresh water fish need fresh water, you can't mix them, or the fish will die. You need to look at each individual fishes needs as to what temp they need their water to be. There are some saltwater fish that can survive in fresh water, but it is not healthy for them.

Can tropical fish live with lake fish?

No. Tropical Fish required warmer water.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

Can tropical fish live with betta fish?

Yes they would be fine (if they are plants that are ment to live underwater) for the betta splenden aka Siamese fighter fish (assuming that is the betta you are refering to) as it is a tropical fish

Do all fish live in fresh water?

No , some fish live in slat and fresh water but the pet fish you have or want to hve need fresh water.

Do tropical fish live in saltwater?

there are tonnes of different species of salmon and yes some do live in salt water and you can fish them but some live in fresh water and you can fish them too.

What are fresh water fishes?

fresh water fish are fish that live in fresh water fresh water is what you would get out of the tap at home as aposed to salt water witch contains salt

Can tropical fish live in turbid water?
