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The answer is neither yes or no. There can be ones that are shaped the same and can also be ones that are shaped differently.

There are many many many different types of cell shapes in both plants and animals.

Animals have cells that are long and skinny like a string (nerve cells) and flat shaped (skin cells), irregular shaped (bone cell), square shaped, regtangle shaped (muscle cell), oval shaped, circle shaped (fat cell)..etc.

Plant cell's are AS diversely shaped however they definitely don't all have the exact same shape either.

However when you see a picture that's showing an animal cell and labling the organelles, it's typically shown as a circular cell and for a plant cell, it's typically a rectangle with rounded edges.

Go to, type in plant cell and click on "images" then do the same with "animal cell" and see for yourself.

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Q: Do animals have the same shape cells as a plant?
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no it is not true that plant and animal cells are exactly alike.

Are animal and plant cells the same?

no. a key difference is that plantt cells have a vacuole and animals don't.

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No to all of the above. Plant and animal cells do not have the same shape. Plant cells have chloroplasts. Animal cells do not. Plants have a cell wall. Animal cells have a cell membrane. However there is one atom difference between a plant's chlorophyl and a human's hemoglobin. 53% of the DNA in a human and a banana tree is the same. Similarities exist.

Do cells have the same shape?

No, all cells have different shapes. The blood cells and skin cells are definitely different! Also, plant and animal cells are different: plant cells are box-like shaped.

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The cells of all plants and animals contain DNA in the same shape, which is the "double helix" that looks like a twisted ladder. All DNA molecules in both plant cells and animal cells are made from the same four chemical building blocks called nucleotides. So, the DNA from animal and plant cells looks exactly the same, but they are arranged differently.

Are all cell the same shape?

Not at all. They can range from most plant cells that are generally rectangular, to skeletal muscle cells that are generally long and cylindrical, to epithelial and nerve cells that have no defined shape, to amoeboids that are constantly changing their shape. Almost any shape you can imagine, you can probably find a cell that almost matches it.