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Bettas have evolved to be able to survive in small amounts of water but they do not necessarilly do well under those conditions. They are basically the same as all fish and need the same basic conditions. 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water (a Betta is a 3 inch fish) Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Bettas are tropical and also need to be kept at around 78F.

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14y ago
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14y ago

As with all fish. Bigger is always better. A Betta should really be in at least a 5gal tank IMO

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12y ago

The average Betta fish is between 1 and 2".

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7y ago

All fish like big tanks. Bettas are no exception.

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Do Betta fish need a large tank?

Betta fish can be comfortable in tanks large or small. Large tanks can provide space for your betta, while small tanks keep your betta from being stressed. Whichever kind of tank works for you best is just fine!

Should betta fish tanks have real or fake plants?

Well, for my Betta fish Sara I recommend using real plants so it could sleep there like a butterfly.

Can female betta fish live with smaller fish?

yes but do not pick fish that are soooo small like minnows because your betta will EAT HIM UP!

Why is a flower vase not suitable for a Betta fish?

they like small spaces

What does an overfed betta fish look like?

a fat betta fish

Betta fish in a regular old fish bowl you put a plant in the bowl your question is what type of plant is this and is it a plant that is safe for your Betta I have a pic but the link won't post?

Betta fish need filtered and oxygenated tanks just like other freshwater fish. Pet stores that tell you that Betta fish don't need much room or filtered tanks are either ill-informed or just plain unethical. Too much current flow isn't healthy since Bettas like slow moving water. If you are putting a plant inside a tank with your Betta (and not keeping the Betta in a vase with a plant growing out of the top and the roots growing into the Betta's space), any freshwater fish-friendly plant is good. Just make sure that it is soft so it doesn't damage the Betta's delicate and beautiful fins. Don't put a Betta in a vase with or without a plant growing above it. Also, don't keep them in tight containers or small cups. This practice is cruel and inhumane!

What is the meaning of a betta fish tattoo?

Bettas are originally from Thailand. Although, they don't look as beautiful and colorful as you would see them at your local pet store. In the wild, they are brown or black and have short tails so they look like slugs.

What do babie betta fish look like?

They look just like Big betta fish, but smaller.

What does a blue female betta fish look like?

it looks like they have a big bubble in their side

What fish are like betta's?

There are over 20 members of the Betta family that I know of. They are all small fish and all have the same labyrinthine breathing system. None of them have the magnificent finnage of the common Betta splendens though. Other relations of the Betta are all of the other Anabantids including the Gouramies.

What plant do the betta fish live in?

Betta fish live in rice paddies. The misconception that the Betta live in a small amount of water it's whole life has spread wide. A Betta actually only lives in small pools of water during the dry season when it is forced to by receding water levels. Also like many other fish a Betta in captivity would enjoy the protection of almost any aquatic plant.

What plants do betta fish live in?

Betta fish live in rice paddies. The misconception that the Betta live in a small amount of water it's whole life has spread wide. A Betta actually only lives in small pools of water during the dry season when it is forced to by receding water levels. Also like many other fish a Betta in captivity would enjoy the protection of almost any aquatic plant.