

Do black people have diseases

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Everyone can get diseases not just black people.

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Q: Do black people have diseases
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Most likely people in the Victorian Era, died from the plague (black death) and other diseases (gangrene) that couldn't be treated.

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How did the Black Death get spread?

In medieval times people were not hygienic and any diseases spread quite quickly throughout the village. Also rats in the sewers carried many diseases and because the sewers were open they could crawl out and pass the diseases to other villagers.

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Diseases that they were not immune to. Most diseases were brought to their colonies because of ships. The ships brought rats, bacteria, and other things without meaning to. Alot of people died in Europe because of the Black Plague. The black plague was a disease brought by rats brought by ships bringing cargo. The Black Plague is usually referred to as the Black Death.

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Most died of overwork and lack of proper nutrition, and those who didn't succumbed to diseases such as cholera and the Black Death.

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The black death

What the possible source of earths magnetic field?

black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black peoplev black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people ^LOL! The real answer is "Earth's outer iron core".

What are all the possible sources of earth's magnetic field?

black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black peoplev black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people ^LOL! The real answer is "Earth's outer iron core".

What are the possible source of earths magnetic field?

black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black peoplev black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people ^LOL! The real answer is "Earth's outer iron core".