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Actually, online bullying is not a crime in and of itself. The act may contain other crimes (such as threats of physical violence), but they cannot be charged for "bullying".

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Q: Do bullies realize they can be charged because they were bullying someone online?
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Do most bullies quit bullying when they are older?

Yes normally they do but not in all cases. But normally as they grow up they realize bullying is wrong.

What if one has a constant bullying husband?

It is tremendously unpleasant to have to live with someone who constantly bullies. Even occasional bullying is very unpleasant. I would definitely consider that to be grounds for divorce. Some people just do not realize that marriage is a partnership, it is not the union of a master with his slave.

How is bullying problematic?

Bullying is a serious problem today. And it is of course problematic. When someone bullies another first of all it is just plain mean. But it also hurts the person being bulled and lowers their self esteem. Bullies themselves are bullied, and they want a way to vent their anger, even if it means hurting someone else, because they ether don't care about who they are hurting, or don't realize they are being hurtful. Bullying can lead to many other problems like suicide -- yes, suicide! Many children who are bullied get to the conclusion to suicide because their school life or maybe college life is ruined!

What if your friend bullies other people but you really really really really really love that person?

yea i know how you feel especially if you love that person with all your heart. But realize this. Bullying isn't good and is dangerous especially is he/she is physically hurting that person. But as long as he/she isn't physically bullying you or even bullying you with "words" than i wouldn't worry about it but i would tell him/her how you feel about them bullying kids.

How many people ignore bullying?

There are no known statistics to know how many bullies are in the world because it either goes unreported or some people don't realize they are being bullied and consider it as just someone or a group being 'pushy.' There is bullying from Kindergarten to high school; bullying in the workplace (threats, fear of losing one's job, etc.) There is even bullying in governments and of the people of governed countries.

What happens after death if someone kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber Bullying?

If you are a Christian then suicide is suppose to be a sin. If you are of no faith there is no answer to be had once someone has died. Most people often wonder where they will actually go once they die from either a terminal illness; accident or old age. Killing oneself is not the answer to get even with bullies because bullies have no morals; they probably wouldn't care, but your family and other friends would go through hell missing that person and it is important for that victim of bullying to realize that they are much loved by family and friends even if they don't feel like they are loved. It is important to talk to someone such as a school counselor; Pastor; parents or trusted friend. More and more States in the United States and Provinces in Canada are putting programs together (involving the police) to stop any type of bullying. Some schools in the United States and Canada have the good students starting programs to protect victims of bullying. Bullying is the number one topic even in the media and more and more people are become more proactive to protect the victims of bullying and also to change the laws that bullies who are minors can be charged and pay for any psychological or physical damage to a victim of bullying and also be responsible for the death of a victim of bullying. If someone kills themselves over bullying then they are letting the bully win. It is important for the victim of bullying to realize much more is being done to help and the victim has to only reach out and touch someone for help. Once through school and the victim is no longer a minor the memories of being bullied will fade and that person will have a good life syle and be stronger for surviving the bullying.

Does killing yourself slove the answer from Bullying or Cyber Bullying?

No, killing yourself does not resolve the answer regarding bullying or cyber bullying. What does resolve the problem is the victim telling a school counselor; Pastor or parents. Victims of bullying should learn off the web that some schools in the United States and Canada have students that have set up programs to protect the victims from bullying; teachers; parents and the police are becoming much more proactive to stop bullying. Laws are being forced to change and bullies will soon be facing charges (even though minors) for their bullying tactics. Police in many cities are setting up task forces to catch cyber bullies and because of the high rate of suicides by especially teen victims of bullying laws are going to be tougher and bullies are going to get what they deserve. Example: New Jersey has a 'no tolerance level for bullying' and the laws are harsh and other cities are picking up the pace because of this. It is important for YOU to remember this ... although you may feel alone; depressed and feel there is no end to what you are going through there is an end. Talk to someone! Realize the amount of students in your entire school and that there are only a handful of bullies. Study different students in your school (you certainly aren't the only one being bullied) and make friends with those that are being bullied. All the students in your school are not bullies so try to fit in where you can with them. Also an important factor is if you do the things above to lessen your pain and loneliness you will get through school; get a job and the bullying you experienced will be but a mild memory and you will become a well adjusted young adult with a good future. Killing yourself will only leave pain for your family and friends and the bully will only win. You are better than that and you are loved so stand strong and get that help.

When did people realize bullying was a problem?

When penises were invented

Why do people still bully Amanda Todd?

Because they are losers and need to get a life. They don't realize that bullying is totally unacceptable today. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Is indirect bullying justification for physical retaliation?

Indirect bullying is generally not a valid justification for physical retaliation. This is a trap you should avoid because it will make you look like the bully. Others won't realize you are being bullied, and you might be suspended from school for fighting and/or bullying. This is one of those cases where you need to tell some adults.

How can being a bully effect the bully?

Bulling can affect the bully in many ways. When bullies bully they may do it to boost their self-esteem. If they find something wrong with you then they will think they are better. It may not make sense at first, but try to put yourself in the bully's shoes. Otherwise they just do it because they just don't realize the consequences or the effect they may have on the victim. A lot of times the case is that bully are pressured to do it or because they were once a victim of bullying and want to seize the opportunity to feel "greater" or "better" in some kind of way. It i s all a mentality. Bullies are no different then anyone else.

How do you not let someone be horrid to you and embarrass you?

Befriend your enemy. Or tell them to stop bullying you and hopefully they will realize how they hurt you.