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Q: Do catholics pay to the church to get souls out of purgatory?
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Which of these event caused the Irish Catholics to become bitter?

They were forced to pay taxes to the Anglican Church.

Do catholics pay for communion?

No. Buying and selling sacraments is the sin of simony, which the Church condemns.

What did Catholic people pay to stay out of purgatory?

To stay out of purgatory, Catholics paid an "indulgence". Indulgences reduced time in Purgatory for sins that are already forgiven, they didn't necessarily keep you completely out of Purgatory. Also, the giving of money [meant as alms for the poor, but at one point was taken by the clergy (even then it wasn't an approved practice and was considered Simony)] to receive an Indulgence was stopped by Pope Pius V in 1567.

Do Protestants believe in hell?

The vast majority of Protestants do not believe in purgatory. The historical reason for this is twofold. First, the idea of purgatory was a contributing factor in the corruption of the Church in selling indulgences which led to Martin Luther nailing his theses to the church door at Wittenberg, thus beginning the Reformation. Second, the idea pf Purgatory, Protestants believe, is unBiblical; there is no evidence scripturally that Purgatory exists. On the contrary, they regard Purgatory as against everything Christ stood for, his teachings, his idea of salvation by faith in him alone, and not by what we - or anyone else - can do, say - or pay. As Protestants seem to place a greater emphasis on evidential scripture and less on the (what they see as man-made) teachings of the Church, the vast majority cannot accept Purgatory to have any basis in fact whatsoever.

Why did Robert catesby plot the gunpowder plot?

Because Catholics were being treated unfairly by Queen Elizabeth and King James. They enforced rules against catholics stating that they had to pay fines if they did not attend church on holy days also they were not allowed to practise their religion.

Do people pay to be forgiven for their sins?

No. God's forgiveness is free for any who wish to turn to him in repentance. Anyone asking for payment for forgiveness is going against all that God stands for, and against all that Jesus Christ taught. Your idea of payment for forgiveness probably comes from the practice in the Catholic Church of selling 'indulgences'. After the Great Schism where the church was split into the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East, and the Roman Catholic Church in the West, the Roman Catholics developed various doctrines including that of purgatory. Purgatory, they claimed, was a 'place' or 'state of being' to where a dead person went for cleansing before he or she was admitted into heaven. Depending upon how well the person had conducted their lives, they would be given more or less time in purgatory before being allowed into heaven. Despite the very idea of purgatory being against both Christ's and Paul's teaching (we are all saved through God's grace in accepting Jesus - and do not need any 'place of cleansing') the Catholic church continued to press with their doctrine of purgatory. The upshot of all this was firstly the development of chantry chapels in large churches, and secondly the selling of indulgences. Chantry chapels were used by the priest to pray for the souls of the recently dead, so that their sins could be forgiven and their time in purgatory could be reduced. For this they accepted quite large sums of money. In fact, in many medieval cathedrals in Europe, there are still chantry chapels surviving, although they are no longer used for that purpose. The chantry chapel idea then developed into selling indulgences - 'certificates' that 'guaranteed' a set number of years off purgatory - for the payment of a large sum of money. The idea was that the priest would then say prayers for the dead thanks to the payment, and issue the family with a certificate guaranteeing, say, 200 years less purgatory as a result. Of course, many of the priests and other church officials simply pocketed the money realising that this was a superb scam and made huge sums from unsuspecting bereaved people when they were most vulnerable. The bubble burst when Martin Luther - a German monk - finally realised, after reading a part of Paul's letter to the Romans, that both he, and the Catholic Church were very wrong in their ideas of indulgences and he pursued the Church in order to expose the corruption. The upshot was that he nailed his list of complaints (his 'theses') to the door of the church at Wittenberg, was swiftly excommunicated by the Pope, but he then started the Protestant movement which spread all over Europe and now the world. When the Protestant movement reached England, King Henry VIII dissolved all the rich, powerful and corrupt monasteries, outlawed both indulgences and chantry chapels and began the Church of England - a protestant Church still thriving today. To be fair to the Roman Catholics, many now see this episode in their history as shameful, and they find it just as abhorrent as other people, and there are movements today to deny the existence of purgatory even in the highest offices of the Catholic Church, but it still remains as a blot on Church, and especially Catholic Church, history - and just goes to show what can go wrong when power, corruption and evil creep in to what should have been a loving organisation proclaiming God's love for all and his free gift of forgiveness and salvation.

When did the pope lose power in renaissance?

The pope start to lose its when catholics church didn't pay attention about his nice promise is if your give money to churches and ur will went into heaven

Does it cost to get christened?

The term 'christened' is Protestant. Catholics are baptized. It costs nothing to be baptized. However, it is usual to offer a small stipend to the priest or deacon for his time and the use of the church facilities.

Do church's have to pay federal and state tax?

A church has to Pay State Tax.

What tax did people pay to the church?

If one is a member of the church when the year begins, he/she will pay taxes for the church tax. People who are not members of a church tax-collecting denomination do not need to pay.

Do sinners still pay for indulgences?

Indulgences were never bought or sold. An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due to sin given by the Church for good works. These can be obtained for oneself or for the souls in purgatory. The idea of buying and selling indulgences comes from the abuse of alms indulgences. Giving alms is a work of piety that is well looked upon in the Bible, so there was an indulgence for giving money for the poor or for certain religious purposes (like building a house of worship). These were abused in such a way as to create the impression among some people that one could pay away the temporal punishment due to sin. This was an illegitimate use of indulgences and in fact was a form of the sin of simony, so to stop this abuse the Church discontinued alms indulgences. In short, then, Catholics still do obtain indulgences. These indulgences, however, are not the discontinued alms indulgences but others of a different nature: indulgences for pilgrimages, group prayer, reading the Bible etc.