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No. God's forgiveness is free for any who wish to turn to him in repentance. Anyone asking for payment for forgiveness is going against all that God stands for, and against all that Jesus Christ taught. Your idea of payment for forgiveness probably comes from the practice in the Catholic Church of selling 'indulgences'. After the Great Schism where the church was split into the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East, and the Roman Catholic Church in the West, the Roman Catholics developed various doctrines including that of purgatory. Purgatory, they claimed, was a 'place' or 'state of being' to where a dead person went for cleansing before he or she was admitted into heaven. Depending upon how well the person had conducted their lives, they would be given more or less time in purgatory before being allowed into heaven. Despite the very idea of purgatory being against both Christ's and Paul's teaching (we are all saved through God's grace in accepting Jesus - and do not need any 'place of cleansing') the Catholic church continued to press with their doctrine of purgatory. The upshot of all this was firstly the development of chantry chapels in large churches, and secondly the selling of indulgences. Chantry chapels were used by the priest to pray for the souls of the recently dead, so that their sins could be forgiven and their time in purgatory could be reduced. For this they accepted quite large sums of money. In fact, in many medieval cathedrals in Europe, there are still chantry chapels surviving, although they are no longer used for that purpose. The chantry chapel idea then developed into selling indulgences - 'certificates' that 'guaranteed' a set number of years off purgatory - for the payment of a large sum of money. The idea was that the priest would then say prayers for the dead thanks to the payment, and issue the family with a certificate guaranteeing, say, 200 years less purgatory as a result. Of course, many of the priests and other church officials simply pocketed the money realising that this was a superb scam and made huge sums from unsuspecting bereaved people when they were most vulnerable. The bubble burst when Martin Luther - a German monk - finally realised, after reading a part of Paul's letter to the Romans, that both he, and the Catholic Church were very wrong in their ideas of indulgences and he pursued the Church in order to expose the corruption. The upshot was that he nailed his list of complaints (his 'theses') to the door of the church at Wittenberg, was swiftly excommunicated by the Pope, but he then started the Protestant movement which spread all over Europe and now the world. When the Protestant movement reached England, King Henry VIII dissolved all the rich, powerful and corrupt monasteries, outlawed both indulgences and chantry chapels and began the Church of England - a protestant Church still thriving today. To be fair to the Roman Catholics, many now see this episode in their history as shameful, and they find it just as abhorrent as other people, and there are movements today to deny the existence of purgatory even in the highest offices of the Catholic Church, but it still remains as a blot on Church, and especially Catholic Church, history - and just goes to show what can go wrong when power, corruption and evil creep in to what should have been a loving organisation proclaiming God's love for all and his free gift of forgiveness and salvation.

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Q: Do people pay to be forgiven for their sins?
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All sins are forgiven in heaven if they weren't no one would ever go to heaven. I believe sins are forgiven on earth too but some that may not seem forgiven because people go to jail for them would be murder rape (adultery).

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All sins can be forgiven in may ways because God can do all things

Can catholic sins be forgiven just asking god?

Venial sins can be, but mortal sins can only be forgiven through the sacrament of penance. Although it is recommended to confess venial sins in the sacrament of penance as well.

Can mortal sins be forgiven?

Mortal sins can only be forgiven in the sacrament of penance or with an act of perfect contrition with the resolve to go to confession as soon as possible. Venial sins can be forgiven with an act of imperfect or perfect contrition, reception of the Holy Eucharist, use of a sacramental, after death.

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Roman Catholic AnswerFor the same reason they confessed their sins in the first century, or in this century: to be forgiven for those sins, because Jesus told them to.

On the Christingle what does the ribbon represent?

It represents the blood of Christ that he shed for his people so that their sins may be forgiven

Will moral sins be forgiven?

Of course, the only sins which cannot be forgiven are the unforgivable sin which is the sin against Hope (the second of the Cardinal Virtues). The sins against hope which cannot be forgiven are presumption and despair.The former is akin to the Protestant theory that once you are "saved" you cannot do anything to lose your salvation. That is presumption and is unforgivable as you don't think you need forgiveness.The latter, despair, is unforgivable as you don't think you can be forgiven for whatever reason: you think you have committed too many sins, or too horrible a sin, or whatever.The sins against hope cannot be forgiven for the simple reason that you cannot be contrite and ASK for forgiveness. God will forgive ANYTHING as long as we repent of it - which is not just being sorry for it, but trying not to do it again.Sins which we have not yet done cannot be forgiven until AFTER we do them, and repent of them. But all mortal sins can be forgiven as long as we confess them and repent. It is only when we are not contrite and repentant that we cannot be forgiven.

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.Catholic AnswerYes, that was one of the problems.

What does a ribbon mean on the christingle?

The Red Ribbon Represents The Blood Of Christ . Which He Shed For His People , So That Their Sins Would Be Forgiven .

What did Jesus say saved Mary Magdalena?

"Your sins are Forgiven."