

Do cats eat human brains

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Under normal circumstances cats do not eat human brains, largely due to their inaccessibility inside the skull...on the other hand, if they are zombie cats....

Ha ha

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Why zombie eat brains?

Zombies do not actually need to eat brains to survive. It is an instinctive response to further spread the zombie virus. They crave human brains or flesh so they attack the living, bite them, and spread the virus to a new host.

What is With Zombies Eating Brains?

This appears to be a conflation of two unrelated aspects of the original Romero zombies: they eat human flesh, and the only way to kill them is to destroy their brains.

What do zombies like to do?

eat brains. and flesh.

Did the Romans eat brains?

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Human being is?

is a human with a heart and lungs and a brain and if you dnt have thatn you are really screwd because you are not human Interesting, cats, mice, dogs, snakes, etc. all have hearts and lungs and brains... guess they must be human too.

What to do when you are a zombie?

Hang out, eat brains, have a staring contest, eat more brains.