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A new queen (cat who has given birth) should be fed free-choice kitten kibble until the kittens are approximately half-weaned, about 8 weeks of age or so.

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Q: Do cats need to be feed more often after giving birth?
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How often to feed cats?

I have 2 cats I have to feed them about 2 to 3 times a day and I make shore they have food a night all the time. I HOP THIS HELPS!!!!

How do you feed a blind kitten?

cats are only blind at birth and survive on the mothers milk for the first few weeks

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no because you should not because different hamsters breast feed

Are cats and dogs mammels?

Yes, cats and dogs are mammals. A mammal gives birth to their young live. This means the baby is alive and ready to start life. Also, they feed their young milk. If they were not mammals, then they would not feed them milk, and they'd be born in eggs.

How do cats feed their young?

Cats are mammals so they feed their young milk from their mother's body.

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Do mammals die right after giving birth?

No, most mammals do not die after giving birth.

What to feed a mother shih tzu after giving birth?

Put her on a good quality Puppy dry dog food. She needs calories now as she is producing milk. Feed her at least twice a day. Don't feed some generic cheap food.

Why do other cats try to feed other cats kittens?

cats like to stick together.

how could you feed cats?
