

Do chromosomes have a double membrane?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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No they do not have. They are stored in nucleous

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8y ago

No they do not have. They are in nucleus

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Eukaryotic cells have a double membrane, surrounding the nucleus, the organelle that contains several chromosomes. The prokaryote chromosomes are dispersed within the cell and is not enclosed by a separate membrane

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the number of chromosomes is double the numbe of chromosomes that were devided. so in other words the chromosomes double.

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The nucleus has a double membrane, often referred to as the nuclear envelope. This membrane contains small gaps called nuclear pores. However, DNA is far too large to be able to pass through the nuclear pore. This means that, although chromosomes are free to move around in the nucleus, they are always kept inside the nucleus.

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The chromosomes are double (diploid) at the beginning of meiosis. By the end of meiosis I, the chromosomes are single (haploid).

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In the nucleus.

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The chromosomes are attached to different parts of cell membrane, which elongates and thus separates the chromosomes

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They double into more chromosomes.

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Yes, it has a double membrane.