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Q: Do dolphins kill humans cause it said tht they do but idk if its true cause other people said they just bite you n pull you?
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What is the negative impact people are doing to dolphins?

Humans enjoy having intercourse with dolphins because it is way better than to commence intercourse with other humans.

Why do dolphins like human?

Humans like dolphins because dolphins are kind and friendly. They are able to communicate with other dolphins using noises only. Humans can speak but dolphins cannot that is why they do this. If you went to see a dolphin in person a human wouldn't be scared because dolphins can do amazing tricks. Like jumping through hoops and doing flips in the air, to amuse humans like me and you.

Are dolphins invertabrate's or vertabrate's?

Dolphins are vertebrate's. they have back bones the same as humans whales and all other mammal's.

How do dolphins communicate with other dolphins and humans?

They use clickIng noises of different tones and pitches to talk to one another

Do dolphins respond to stimuli?

Yes. In fact, dolphins are the only species other than humans that are known to have sex just for the fun of it.

How are dolphins chimpanzees and human beings different from other mammals?

That is simple.. Dolphins, Chimpanzees and Humans, are different from most mammals because they have similar bones in there body. Why don't you look their systems in their bodies to compare.

How the dolphin have helped humans?

There have been many stories of many dolphins saving people from sharks and other things. They have saved people from sharks by hitting the sharks with their mouths on a specific spot on the shark's side. This act causes the shark to die and the dolphins carry the human to shore. These animals are very protective over humans.

How are dolphin helpful to humans?

They're helpful because they are the most sociable/playfulness creatures in the bays ever. They sense when people are in trouble easily and most of the time they will save a human from danger due to their huge mind of intelligence.

Do dolphins protect humans?

Dolphins are social mammals, living in groups called pods. But they are not just friendly to other dolphins, they are also known to protect humans from sharks by swimming around the human or charging at the shark to make them leave.Dolphins have been known to show cultural behavior, a trait that was thought to be unique only to humans, which may be why they are so intelligent.Another reason why they are so friendly to humans is because their curious of us. Of course, a dolphin being curious isn't always a good thing. When dolphins get to close to boats, they can get caught in a net injured by a propellers from a boat.Dolphins are social mammals, living in groups called pods. But they are not just friendly to other dolphins, they are also known to protect humans from sharks by swimming around the human or charging at the shark to make them leave.Dolphins have been known to show cultural behavior, a trait that was thought to be unique only to humans, which may be why they are so intelligent.Another reason why they are so friendly to humans is because their curious of us. Of course, a dolphin being curious isn't always a good thing. When dolphins get to close to boats, they can get caught in a net injured by a propellers from a boat.

What non living animals do seahorses interact with?

Humans, each other, as well as dolphins.

Who eat dolphin?

Dolphins are generally near the top of the food chain. Occasionally a shark will eat a dolphin, but other than that, the only other animal to eat dolphin is humans.

Similarities in human being and dolphin?

In Greek Mythology it is thought that dolphins were once humans and were turned into dolphins for there sins. But other than Dolphins being smarter than most animals there is no similarities