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Actually it depends on what it feel towards their young and what condition they are on.

If they are hungry and have nothing to eat they might pick on their young.

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Q: Do eastern painted turtles eat their young?
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Do raccoons eat western painted turtles?

Yes, raccoons will eat turtles, especially young turtles. They also eat turtle eggs. They cause a lot of damage to turtle nests of endangered sea turtles.

What do painted turtles eat in Wisconsin?

Painted turtles eat fish, worms, insects, water lettuce, water hyacinth, and duckweed.

What can sun turtles not eat?

"Sun turtle" is not a specific breed of turtle. It is a nickname for a group of turtle species known as Painted Turtles. There are four different types of painted turtles, Eastern Painted, Midland Painted, Southern Painted and Western Painted. Each one has it's own specific dietary requirements. Because sun turtles do not exist and is just a nickname for a group called Painted Turtles, which there are four different species of, you will need to find out exactly which species of painted turtle you own before dietary requirements can be recommended.

Do painted turtles try to eat little painted turtles?

No, not regularly. Painted turtles eat aquatic vegetation, algae, water insects, crustaceans, and fish. Most species of turtles don't go after other turtles unless they are a aggressive turtle. Exceptions for this are Snappers and Musk turtles which are more carnivorous.

Can painted turtles eat bread?

they eat pizza and carrot

Do painted turtles eat frogs?

Yes they will eat it and its not harmful to the turtle but this shouldn't be your turtles diet.

Will baby painted turtles eat earthworms?

i dont no

Are painted turtle's omniverous?

They can eat meat, but I feed my painted turtles turtle pellets

What plants do north east painted turtles eat?


What do painted turtles like to do?

they like to eat just like you like to eat when you was but a baby.

Are painted turtles omnivores?

yes the eat dead fish and grass

Can baby painted turtles eat raw beef?

They're basically vegetarians.