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Maybe, depending on how good you are at taming animals. Feral cats are genetically identical to house cats, but their early socialization makes them act very different.

It is extremely difficult to socialize a feral cat to trust humans after the age of approximately two months. But once you develop this trust and affection, the cat will start realizing the benefit of shelter and a steady food supply. However, if you cannot get the cat to come inside, or even to trust you, don't blame yourself - depending on the individual cat, this might not be possible.

Start with food and familiarization. Leave the food a good distance from your back door, maybe twenty feet. When the cat returns to the food a few days in a row, open the back door and let the cat smell you while it eats. (It may bolt at this point; just stay quiet and still until it comes back.) After a few more days, sit outside, and then get progressively closer. You may talk to the cat in a gentle voice. Don't look at it more than briefly; staring is aggressive, averting eyes is friendly. You may extend your hand at this point for it to smell you.

The biggest challenge will be to touch the cat. At first it will have no idea what you're trying to do, having never been petted, and will assume you mean it harm. Stay patient, sit by the food, and retreat if you have to. Move slowly and only extend one hand, so you can show you aren't trying to grab it. Eventually you will be able to touch its head. From there it is a short step to petting it the first time, after which it will happily come back for more.

Now that you have a kitty that purrs when you pet it, you have your house cat! Well, you have to convince it to move inside first, but it will - especially if it is cold outside. The trick is to give it a way in (an open door if possible), welcome it inside with encouraging words, and then wait for it to accept. DO NOT pick up the cat, chase it inside, or otherwise force the issue. Once it is inside, make sure it has an exit, such as a cat door or open window. This is essential to preserving trust. Your new cat may come and go, especially at first, but will quickly become fond of its house.

If you can't tame the feral in question, you don't have to abandon it. As long as it is spayed/neutered you can keep putting out food for it, though most ferals live in colonies and you will be inviting their friends too. There are often programs to help ferals in the wild and give them medical care, etc., so look into that as well.

(Sources: Owner of one previously feral indoor cat; feral cat socialization volunteer at the local shelter for 4 years.)

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13y ago
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14y ago

Yes. They are the same thing except they are born and live outdoors and have no direct human contact.

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14y ago

It depends on the breed, but go here for some general photos

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