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They can. Any animal can carry bacteria, and infect other animals with it.

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Q: Do fish carry bacteria to other fish and kill them?
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How can sewage lead to the death of fish in rivers?

Sewage, particularly untreated sewage, contains a lot of bacteria, and that bacteria can infect fish and kill them.

Can bacteria kill underwater animals?

Yes it can indirectly kill fish by consuming all the oxygen in a closed water system such as a pond. The water becomes anoxic (depleted of dissolved oxygen) and the fish and other marine life can no longer "breathe".

How long do you run the filter in a small fish bowl before adding fish?

a week minimum to make sure the good bacteria builds up and doesnt kill the fish when you put it in a week minimum to make sure the good bacteria builds up and doesnt kill the fish when you put it in

Can you feed a fighting fish a fish?

well not exactly if you want to kill your other fish then........sure! why not? if love your fish, why kill it?

Why is overfishing like it is?

because when we fish it can kill other fish

What do you think would happen to the fish in an aquarium that did not have bacteria to eat the ammonia?

It would die. The ammonia would kill the fish if amounts were elevated.

Medicines used to kill bacteria and other microorganism?

The medicines used to kill bacteria are generally called antibiotics. Penicillin is a typical famous example.

Does ginger kill bacteria?

Yes, ginger has many health benefits. It is said that it helps kill some bacteria, ex. it is often eaten with sushi either in condiment form or whole in order to prevent illness from harmful bacteria from the raw fish.

Will a male betta fish kill a female?

yes betta fish have to live alone or one will kill the other.

How is a natural caused fish kill different from a human caused fish kill?

One is caused by humans, the other is not.

Medicines used to kill bacteria and other microoganisms?


Do betta eat other fish?

they dont eat other fish they just attack them to kill