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Yes, and they also live in parts of Europe and Asia. For a map showing the range of the lynx, click on this link. Both the Canada lynx as well as the bobcat live in North America.

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Yes, fox do live in parts of North America.

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Yes because Lynx live in Canada

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Q: Do foxes live in North America?
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What part of the world have most foxes?

most foxes live in north or south America.

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No not in less if dogs live in Europe or north america

Why do red foxes live in prairies?

Red Foxes live from the Arctic Circle to North Africa. They also live in Central America, in Asia and North America

Do foxes live in the tropical rainforest?

No. Red foxes live in most of Asia, Europe, and in the northern parts of North America. Gray foxes live in most of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and in parts of South America. Foxes are found in farmlands and forests, deserts, and in wooded areas of some cities.

What is the difference between a gray fox and a fox?

Grey foxes are smaller than red foxes, and live primarlily in Southern parts of North America; while red foxes are larger live further north.

Do Fox live in the rainforest?

No. Red foxes live in most of Asia, Europe, and in the northern parts of North America. Gray Foxes live in most of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and in parts of South America. Foxes are found in farmlands and forests, deserts, and in wooded areas of some cities.

Do foxes live in tropical rainforests?

No. Red foxes live in most of Asia, Europe, and in the northern parts of North America. Gray Foxes live in most of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and in parts of South America. Foxes are found in farmlands and forests, deserts, and in wooded areas of some cities.

Where do north American foxes live?

At a guess, I'd say North America... :-) Sorry, can't specify, I'm not American

Are there white foxes in Antarctica?

No. White foxes live in the far north. There are no foxes in Antarctica

Where does foxes live in Africa?

A fox lives in a den, (a hole underground with connecting tunnels). Red foxes live in most of Asia, Europe, and in the northern parts of North America. Gray foxes live in most of theUnited States, Mexico, Central America, and in parts of South America. Foxes are found in farmlands and forests, deserts, burrows, the prairies and in wooded areas of some cities. Foxes live in dens during the winter. The den may be underground, in caves, among rocks, or in hollow logs or trees

Where in Antarctica do Arctic foxes live?

The Arctic foxes are distributed across northern Asia, northern Europe, and North America.

How long does a north American fox live?

There are several species of foxes that live in North America and most will be lucky to live 5 years in the wild but may live 14 years or more in captivity