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They would not be a gay male then.


Yes, they do, sometimes. The fact is, most people are not 100% straight or 100% gay. Most people are at least slightly bisexual (even if they don't know it, or try to repress it). Human sexual orientation can be measured on a 1 to 10 scale, 1 being totally straight, 5 being totally bisexual, and 10 being totally gay. Most people are somewhere in the middle. For example, I would describe myself as a 3 -- mostly straight, but with occasional homosexual feelings.

So, unless the man in question is a 10 (totally gay), he can indeed get aroused by women sometimes.

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15y ago

If you mean "look" by that they admire the female's appearance, that doesn't neccessarily mean they're sexually attracted to them. I often see attractive people (male & female) to which I am not sexually attracted. I simply find them handsome, pretty or cute. If you mean "look" as in they are sexually attracted to them..... There is gay - strictly homosexual, and there is bisexual - attracted to both male and female. However, I believe it is possible for a gay man, at some point in his life, to also be somewhat attracted to women. Possbily when struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. And, I believe there are people who's homo/bisexual tendency may attract them more to one gender than the other, but not exclusively (as if there are degrees of homosexuality). For example, a man may be attracted to other men 90% of the time. However, there may be a small percent, or certain type of women who also peaks his sexual interest. Keep in my, this opinion is coming from of a 41 year old, strictly heterosexual female with gay family members. I hope you find the answers you are seeking. God bless.

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