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Q: Do greater the amount of muscle mass mean the lower the resting metabolic rate?
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Related questions

Do women or men have higher Resting metabolic rate?

Males have a higher percentage of lean body mass.

Is the concentration of calcium ion greater in the sarcoplasmic reticulum or sarcoplasm of a resting muscle?

The Ca2+ ion concentration of the sarcoplasmic reticulum will be greater in a resting muscle

Does slow muscle fibers or fast muscle fibers have a higher catalase concentration?

Fast muscle fibers have the greater metabolic activity and have the higher concentration of catalase enzyme.

What are you measuring when you count the calories you burn while resting?

Resting metabolic rate. the amount of caloric expenditure that your body uses to perform the many functions your body does 24/7. the goal is to increase that rate by exercising which happens when you gain lean muscle tissue. the faster your "engine" runs, the more calories you burn throughout the day regardless of activity level

How does lean muscle mass raise metabolic rate?

Increasing the amount of muscle you have will raise your metabolic rate. For example, if you add ten pounds of muscle in the next year through proper strength training your body will consume an additional 350 to 500 calories daily. Muscle is your metabolic furnace that burns additional calories 24 hours a day (not just during and immediately after exercise).

Resting muscle generates most of ATP?

In a resting muscle you have few muscle fibres, which contract in batches to give you muscle tone. You have got maximum ATP molecules, generated in resting muscle.

What is resting tension in a skeletal muscle called?

muscle tone

What is the treatment to muscle strain?

Resting, Icing, compressing, elevating the muscle

Can weightlifting increase your metabolism?

Yes. Weightlifting can increase the amount of lean muscle mass you have. The more lean muscle mass you have, the greater your metabolic rate. A pound of muscle burns many times more calories over the course of a day than a pound of fatty tissue. So weightlifting is of great benefit when it comes to being leaner and carrying less fatty tissue. .

What would you expect to happen to a resting skeletal muscle if the sarcolemma suddenly became very permeable to calcium ions?

Because the amount of cross-bridge formation is proportional to the amount of available calcium ions, increased permeability of the sarcolemma to Ca2+ would lead to an increased intracellular concentration of Ca2+ and a greater degree of contraction.

What tissue is most important for determining the metabolic rate?

Muscle is a metabolic furnace that will burn additional calories 24 hours a day. Proper strength training will increase the amount of muscle you have. For example, if you add ten pounds of muscle in the next year, your body will consume/burn an additional 350 to 500 calories daily.

What to do inorder to have a high metabolism?

Your metabolic rate is "how much energy do I need, if I were to do absolutely nothing all day " - the amount required to digest food, think and breath. You can increase your metabolic rate by gaining muscle, since muscle burns up more energy per unit of time, compared to fat.