

Do hamster hibernate

Updated: 11/18/2022
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12y ago

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Yes, hamsters can hibernate when there is a sudden change in their environment, such as an abrupt drop in temperature. They are cold and stiff, and may appear dead, but if you look at their whiskers you should see them twitching. If your hamster does go into hibernation, try not to panic. Just ensure that it is moved to a warmer environment like, for example, a warmer room, a coat pocket, or cupped in your hands.

Don't move it to somewhere too hot! For example, don't put it on a radiator where its temperature would be raised too quickly.

Once the hamster is awake, make sure it has plenty to eat and drink- they don't plan or prepare for hibernation the way bears do.

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No, but they are nocturnal.

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Hamsters only hibernate in the wild.

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hamsters don't hibernate!!!!!!

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no yes maybewho cares

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She may be trying to hibernate. Hamsters are not allowed to hibernate. They are nocturnal creatures, so they love the dark. But she might just be storing food, to eat later my hamster does that, but puts it in her bedding! aww :D

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Hamsters sleep during the day. Actuallly, they it, its true

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They can go at least four months, because they hibernate through the winter and rely on their body fat to survive.

What activities does a hamster enjoy most?

Spinning on a wheel, Eating, Sleeping. But in fact hamsters hibernate and don't just die so don't bury yours like we did!!

How can you wake your hamster up?

Try not to wake your hamster up too much. You don't want it to be tired all of the time. If I tried to wake my hamster up, she would bite me, so I would get a treat for her (carrots, nuts, ect.) and put in front of her nose. Then she would be too busy happily eating to bite me!

My hamster looks dead but its breathing and when i touch it nothing happens?

it sounds like ur hamster is ill take it to the vet asap

What do animals hibernate?

loads of animals hibernate like ... Badger Bat Bear Bee Blackfish Butterfly Chipmunk Echidna Frog Gila Monster Gopher/Ground Squirrel Groundhog/Woodchuck Ground Squirrel/Gopher Hamster Hedgehog Jerboa Ladybird Lizard Marmot Mosquito Moth Mouse Poorwill Pupfish Raccoon Skunk Slow Worm Snake Squirrel Turtle Wasp Woodchuck/Groundhog Yellow Jacket

When do Russian dwarf hamsters hibernate?

hamsters that live with you dont hibernate....but if your talking about a wild hamster they do it in the winter, then pack food in there cheek and then go in the ground for the winter