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yes and if they are not looked after properely

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Q: Do howrse horses die of old age?
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What is the minimum age for for horses to enter competition?

3 years old (on howrse)

How did the horses die on the dead horse pass?

To get a pass when your howrse dies, the horse has to be at least 30 years old, and you have to send it to Heaven. After sending a number of horses to Heaven for a pass, you will only have *chances* at getting one. I'm not sure what you were really asking, so this is what I determined. Ways that horses die are low health and old age.

What is the fastest way to earn passes on Howrse except for buying them?

There is no super fast way but you could enter giveaways or if one of your horses dies of old age then you get a pass

In the game howrse do you get passes when your horse dies or does it just die of old age?

Horse aides

On howrescom do your horses die of old age?

yes. they can die of old age but if you dont keep your horse healthy then it will die sooner than usual.

Where can you see how old your Howrse is?

Ypu can see how old your horse is by clicking on it and scrolling down where it says horse characteristics and breed, and across from that it should say your horses age.

On Howrse how can you age your Howrse really fast without spending money?

There is no way to get around from spending money on Howrse. Not equas, that is. You can wait to get passes and get mourpheses arms and age your horse without limitation, but until they are thirty years old. Make sure you take care of them! Or they WILL die. Happy Howrsing! -snowflakes13 from howrse. You can not get around that! Happy Howrsing! The Stables From Howrse PM me or friend request!

How old do you have to be on howrse to reserve a horse in sales?

you have to have 3 karma points and 2 living horses!

Can your first horse die on Howrse?

The horses on Howrse die when their Energy, health, or morale reach 0%. After a horse turns 25, their health decreases by 2% each day. If your Howrse is over the age of 30 and dies at age 30 years and 2 months, you get a pass. So if you want passes, make sure your howrse is over the age of 30.or, your howrses die when you neglect them. just because your howrse is old doesn't mean that you have to stop feeding, training, and taking care of it. you can keep it just like any other howrse, i have a mare that is 62, and she is doing great and still has foals and competes! (mind you, this IS a game, in real life people don't breed horses when they have just turned two, and don't keep breeding them when they are older than 20-ish; especially sine the common life span is 30.)

Can you castrate an immortal stallion on Howrse?

You can castrate any male on Howrse up till the age of 8 years old.

How old can a horse board?

On Howrse, a horse can board at the age of 6 months.

What is a wild horse on Howrse?

Wild horses are new on Howrse, they are rare and have to be tamed from birth before they are properly trained. They will reward you with diamonds up to 80 years old. At the moment wild horses cannot be sold, therefore the only way to get one is through promos. Currently there are 6 different wild horses on Howrse: The Misaki, The Spanish Mustang, The Sorraia, The Exmoor, The Chincoteague and The Camargue.