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The Report by the 'Australian Institute of Criminology' into the 510 homicides across Australia between July 2008 and June 2010 found that

-Guns killed 13% [but was 25% in 1989-90 ]

-Knives killed 41% [but was 30% in 1989-90]

In other words, despite the media hype and the anti-gun lobby, more than 3 times as many people are killed by knives rather than guns. This disparity is set to increase - just ask the cops.

[ Stats From article 'Murders at a low, but knife use on the rise'

in the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia]

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Q: Do knives kill more people than guns?
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Knives are primarily used for skinning animals rather then hunting them-that tends to be the role guns serve. However-there are a few animals which people uses knives to hunt; one of them being boars. I'm not sure of the details so maybe another can answer in more detail, but from my understanding-they attach the knives to sticks and then corner the boar. Boar hunting is generally done with more then one person I believe. Not sure how knives are used in other hunts besides skinning.

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