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Q: Do men and women have the same amount of lymph nodes?
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My friend just got braces and three weeks later her lymph nodes are swelling. Can braces cause swollen lymph nodes?

Same here, I had Braces and about a couple of weeks later Lymph nodes started to get bigger. I think it is a reaction to the metal, Cement (Glue), Or the UV.

What is the icd code for reactive lymph node?

A reactive lymph node is the same as an enlarged lymph node. Lymph nodes can become enlarged for a variety of reasons, most of which aren't serious. The ICD code for a reactive lymph node is 785.6.

Why cant you draw blood from the same side as a mastectomy?

Lymph nodes also removed with mastectomy so excedd lymph fluid can build up and cause infection

What protects your body from harmful microorganisms that enter through the mouth and throat?

Lymph Nodes... I think I had this same problem for science

Why do you have Weight loss swollen tender lymph nodes?

actually, you can have swollen lymph nodes from a sinus infection as well as other things. ANSWER: Your lymph nodes swell up as they stop bacteria that is carried through the bloodstream. They store this and release it in smaller quantities that the body can handle. Swollen lymph nodes are the first sign of an infection in the body. See the related link for more information.Infections cause increased lymphocyte production-APEX

What are three examples of lymph organs?

popleteal- behind the kneeaxilla- armpitisles of chilli- lower stomachocipitalis- back of neck base of the skulRead more: What_are_the_2_places_where_lymph_nodes_are_found

What are the most common sites for mestastic breast cancer?

Breast cancer most commonly metastasises first to lymph nodes in the axilla of the same side as the affected breast. In more advanced disease, the cancer commonly metastasises to lymph nodes in other regions, to bone, to the liver, and/or to the lungs, and later possibly also to the contralateral breast and to other organs. When there is no evident lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis, the sentinel node may be examined to confirm absence of axillary lymph node metastasis. The lymph nodes in the axilla drain fluid (lymph) from the breast by interconnecting lymph vessels, and the "sentinel node" is the first node to receive lymph from the particular tumour. If there is no tumour in the sentinel node (and no signs of metastasis to other sites), breast cancer has a very good chance of cure after treatment.

Are lympnoma and lymphoma the same thing?

Can't find 'lympnoma' in my dictionary ... but it cross references to 'lymphoma which are malignant tumors that arise in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue.

What is the main role of lymph nodes in the bodys defence?

The lymph nodes store and make B cells which fight antigens (foreign substances in the body). To elaborate on and attempt to complete the answer, the lymph nodes are where the adaptive immune response begins and is maintained (contrasted with the innate immune response). Dendritic cells circulate throughout the body and pick up antigens (foreign substances in the body, e.g., those of microorganisms such as bacterial cell wall proteoglycans) associated with infected tissue and upon returning to the lymph nodes present them to T and B lymphocytes that pass through or may even reside at the node. The lymphocytes that now recognize the particular antigen proliferate and return to the main circulation and attack the associated microorganism. The adaptive immune response, as by proliferation of antigen specific lymphocytes, is also maintained at the lymph nodes after the infection is gone in case reinfection by the same microorganism occurs.

Where does lymph originally come from?

Lymph is basically the fluid that is between the cells of the body (interstitial fluid), and is basically the same as blood plasma. It initially leaks out of the arteries because the blood in the arteries are under higher hydrostatic pressure than the tissues on the outside of the arteries. As it collects in the tissues, it is sucked up by the lymph system and returned to circulation in the subclavian vein.

What considerations limit the scope of a laryngectomy?

if the cancer has spread, other surrounding structures in the neck, such as lymph nodes, are removed at the same time. Partial laryngectomies are done when cancer is limited to one spot

How does the fluid in the blood become lymph?

i was wondering the same thing! Do yo happen to go to my school? We haad the same question, our teacher's first initial of the last name begins with a Dat.... Sound familiar? If not, sorry. The answer is: The fluids in the blod leak through the capillaries and into the surrounding tissue.