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Most men think so.

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1w ago

Sense of humor is not determined by gender but rather varies among individuals regardless of sex. Cultural stereotypes may suggest men have a better sense of humor, but humor preferences and ability are unique to each person.

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Q: Do men usually have a better sense of humor than women?
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How do you become attractive to women?

good sense of humor, and self confidence.

Are Virgo women good lovers?

Not if they are the stuck up kind of Capricorns with no sense of humor

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I say women! =) Women are smarter common sense wise and abstract wise, but usually men are better at math and destroying women

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Honesty, sense of humor, and can put up with all the traveling he has to do.

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What do women prefer?

in terms of dating, women prefer a smart guy, know how to dress appropriately, got that oozing self-confident and have a fantastic sense of humor.

What type of women do will demps like?

On his website he said he likes women who are open minded intelligent, have a sense of humor and she doesn't have to like soccer. hoped that helped.

What attracts most women?

Charm, manners, good looks and a sense of humor are all key qualities to most women, but what really attracts almost every woman is confidence.

Is a sense of humor a good thing?

i think it is because the thing that women look for most in a guy is a sense of humor. so if you don't have one then you might not find you perfect girl, (by the way if you haven't guessed it, I'm a guy).Its VERY attractive to most people.

What do women like from men?

A sense of humor, a strike of intelligence, the ability to communicate feelings, thoughts and dreams, a stable income, a sense of manliness, protection, and safety, and physical attraction never hurts.

What do girls find funny?

depends on the girl. i know my sense of humor is not the norm so... different strokes for different folks.NOT the Three Stooges.

Why do women have a better sense of smell than men?

we are just more feminine than men