

Best Answer
  1. No they rely on DEAD organic matter that falls from above
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Q: Do orchids get most of their nutrients from the soil?
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What crops grow with no soil?

Hydroponic crops are grown in water with no soil. Most orchids also do not grow in soil.

What are terrestrial orchids?

Terrestrial orchids are orchids that live in the soil of the ground and not in trees

Why is soil important for all plant?

It gives it nutrients and minerals, and the ground holds water for the plant. 2nd answer: . . . but not all plants are rooted in soil. Some orchids are parasites that live on other plants, like trees, and get their nutrients from the other plant.

How can fungus help orchids grow?

Fungi help orchids (and other plants) by providing water and nutrients. In orchids, specifically, the fungi associate with the seedlings. Fungal hyphae are much better than roots at discovering and absorbing nutrients and water in the soil (or whatever medium the plant is in). The water and nutrients are taken up by the fungus and transported to the orchid. If the relationship is mutualistic, then the fungus gets sugars in exchange. If it is not, then the fungus gets nothing.

What soil do you use to re pot orchids?


Why don't all plants need soil?

Some such as orchids have epiphytic root systems that enable them to live on trees and bark and absorb water and nutrients directly from the environment.

Why do orchids need to be placed in a tree?

Not all Orchids need to grow on trees, only the epiphytes, terrestiall Orchids grow in the soil.

Where do most plants find nutrients?

From the soil and water

Where does soil get most of its nutrients from?

Possibly from decomposed matter? Either that or it was full of nutrients to begin with.

What soil contains most nutrients?

Some clays and particularly organic soils (like humus) hold nutrients and water much better than sandy soils do. the soil that contains the most nutrients is the loam.

Is soil a ingredient in photosynthesis?

Nope. Plants can be grown without soil. It is done in hydroponics, and orchids do not grow in soil.

Which type of soil is most fertile?

For me i prefer loam soil. IT is better since it's properties are well balanced and makes it better for roots to absorb nutrients easier. This way the plant should get most of the nutrients that was place on the soil.